Player Treasury brings a whole new way of managing your economy. It allows you to have debt, tax and more! Make your players live in a democracy and have them pay tax to the government! You can join our test server at and type /pt
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- Player salary
- Fully customisable
- Player debt and owing
- Player tax
- All logged transactions, this logs all transactions that goes in/out of the players' balance
- Exempt players/businesses from the tax system
- /pt transactions [page] - View your transaction history.
- /pt transactions <player]> [page] - Shows transaction list for the specified player.
- /pt owing <player> - Allows you to view what tax others owe.
- /pt owing - Allows you to view what tax you owe.
- /pt tax [player] - Allows you to view what tax you pay.
- /pt debt collect <player> <amount> - The specified amount should be collected from a player’s outstanding debt.
- /pt debt remove <player> <amount> - The specified amount should be removed from a player’s outstanding debt.
- /pt debt record <player> [page] - List all collections of debt for a player.
- /pt tax exemption - Allows you to manage the tax exemption.
- /pt tax exemption add <user/business ID> - Allows you to add businesses to the list of tax-exempt entities.
- /pt tax exemption remove <user/business ID> - Allows you to remove businesses from the list of tax-exempt entities.
- /pt tax exemption list - Lists all tax-exempt entities.
- /pt owingremove <player> <type> <amount> - Allows you to remove tax owing from others.
- /pt reload - Reloads all the config files.
- playertreasury.transactions.use - View your transaction history.
- playertreasury.transactions.others - Shows transaction list for the specified player.
- playertreasury.owing.others - Allows you to view what tax others owe.
- playertreasury.owing.use - Allows you to view what tax you owe.
- playertreasury.admin.debt.collect - The specified amount should be collected from a player’s outstanding debt.
- playertreasury.debt.remove - The specified amount should be removed from a player’s outstanding debt.
- playertreasury.debt.record - List all collections of debt for a player.
- playertreasury.admin.exemption - Allows you to manage the tax exemption.
- - Allows you to add businesses to the list of tax exempt entities.
- - Allows you to remove businesses from the list of tax exempt entities.
- - Lists all tax exempt entities.
- playertreasury.admin.owingremove - Allows you to remove tax owing from others.
- playertreasury.admin.reload - Allows the player to reload the plugin.
Player Treasury downloads the following dependencies automatically:
These dependencies are not required for the plugin to run, but they do indeed add compatibility for many features, like MiniMessage.
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! Donating helps us out a lot for maintaining this plugin and the insane discord support, also helps to keep our online services running for the community and for the plugin itself. All donations are appreciated
Tags: treasury, tax, debt, government, economy, logging transactions