Benefits: - All messages are customizable. - Each block can be configured differently. - Ability to disable in certain worlds. - Money can be earned from a minimum to a maximum. - Ability to change the chance of earning money. - Ability to write in color or gradient. - Chat messages. - Actionbar messages. - Commands at break
Screenshots: Configuration:
Code (YAML):
# Available Actions: # [PLAYER] cmd # [CONSOLE] cmd # [SOUND] ITEM_TRIDENT_THUNDER -volume:1.0f -pitch:1.0f # [EFFECT] BLINDNESS -duration:1 -strength:0 # [TITLE] Title;Subtitle -fadeIn:1 -stay:3 -fadeOut:1 # [MESSAGE] Message # [ACTIONBAR] Text # messages:
reload: "&e&lMegaMiner &7→ &aPlugin reloaded." noperm: "&e&lMegaMiner &7→ &cInsufficient permissions!"# permission: megaminer.admin Blocks:
Chance: 100
# You can remove a category if you don't use it Disabled-Worlds: - disabled-world1
- disabled-world2
Disabled-Enchantments: - silk_touch
- sharpness
Actions: - '
] 10-25'
# Grants a random amount of money between 10 and 25 - '
] &c&l> &fYou earned &c$
%money% for mining the block.' - '
] '
- '
] &c&l⌈'
- '
] &c| &fBalance increased by &c$
%money%' - '
] &c| &fBecause you broke a block.'
- '
] &c&l⌊'
- '
] '