prefix: &4&lZevLifeSteal &8|&7 # default: &4&lZevLifeSteal &8|&7 | the prefix the plugin will use when responding to the user
craftablehearts: true # default: true | true: hearts will be craftable | false: hearts will not be craftable
heartcap: 50 # default: 50 | the maximum number of hearts any player can have.
loseheartstonaturalcauses: false # default: false | true: players will lose hearts whenever they die | false: players will lose hearts only if another player killed them.
endcrystalsgivehearts: true # default: true | true: if a player kills another player with an end crystal it will give kill credit to the attacker. | false: if a player kills another player with an end crystal it will not give kill credit to the attacker.