Classes icon

Classes -----

Custom class system

This plugin adds a class system to your Minecraft server. You can make your own classes with customizable modifiers and perks. Level up in your classes and get ready!
  • Custom class system
  • Custom modifiers and perks
There is two files for configuration. lang.yml to customize the messages and config.yml to configure the plugin. You can see the full commented versions at the GitHub repository.

/class <class> block enchantment add - Block an enchantment for a class - classes.block.enchantment.add
/class <class> block enchantment remove - Block an enchantment for a class - classes.block.enchantment.remove
/class <class> block enchantment list - Block an enchantment for a class - classes.block.enchantment.list
/class <class> block material add - Block a material (item or block) for a class - classes.block.material.add
/class <class> block material remove - Block a material (item or block) for a class - classes.block.material.remove
/class <class> block material list - Block a material (item or block) for a class - classes.block.material.list
/class <class> block potion add - Block a potion effect type for a class - classes.block.potion.add
/class <class> block potion remove - Block a potion effect type for a class - classes.block.potion.remove
/class <class> block potion list - Block a potion effect type for a class - classes.block.potion.list
/class <class> modifier add - Add a modifier to a class - classes.modifier.add
/class <class> modifier remove - Add a modifier to a class - classes.modifier.remove
/class <class> modifier list - Add a modifier to a class - classes.modifier.list
/class <class> perk add - Add a perk to a class - classes.perk.add
/class <class> perk remove - Add a perk to a class - classes.perk.remove
/class <class> perk list - Add a perk to a class - classes.perk.list
/class <class> delete - Delete a class - classes.delete
/class <class> info - Information about a class - classes\.info
/class <class> join - Join to a class - classes.join
/class <class> kit get - Get the kit of your class. Players with permission classes.admin get any kit using this command - classes.kit.get
/class <class> kit update - Update the contents of a class kit - classes.kit.update
/class <class> kit clear - Clear a class kit - classes.kit.clear
/class <class> members - See all the members in a class - classes.members
/class set criteria - Change the criteria, the way of leveling up at a class - classes.set.criteria
/class set description - Change the description of a class - classes.set.description
/class set icon - Change the icon of a class - classes.set.icon
/class create - Create a new class - classes.create
/class leave - Leave a class - classes.leave
/class choose - Choose a class - classes.choose


Most of the permissions are already given at commands section. This plugin also supports permission parenting.
You can use * character to select children permissions (classes.*, classes.block.*, classes.block.perk.* etc.). There are
still two permissions left to explain:

classes.use - Main permission required for any command.
classes.admin - Allows you to get any kit using /class kit <class> get

For Developers

You can add custom modifiers, perks and level criterias using other plugins. See the wiki for more information.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 486
First Release: Nov 13, 2023
Last Update: Sep 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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