Explore the Power of eDynamicItems+ ⚙️ Custom Item Lore & Item Names |
Minecraft Plugin
Alpha Version Notice eDynamicItems is currently in its alpha version. Updates will be rolled out selectively to ensure a seamless and stable experience. Stay tuned for exciting new features and improvements as we refine the plugin!
Customize Item with ease.
Track Entity Damage and Block Counts effortlessly.
Dynamic Item that adapt to your configuration.
Custom Placeholders Take advantage of a robust set of custom placeholders to enhance your items:
Displays all enchantments on the item, including both vanilla enchantments and those from AdvancedEnchantments, CrazyEnchantments.
Displays the item's current durability in the format current_durability/max_durability.
If the item is unbreakable, it will show message from messages.yml.
Shows the total number of blocks mined with the item.
Displays the total damage dealt to entities using the item.
Displays the calculated damage of the item. This includes modifiers for bows, crossbows, melee weapons, and enchantments like Sharpness.
Shows the current stack size of the item.
Displays the maximum stack size for the item.
Displays the mining speed of the item, including modifiers from the Efficiency enchantment.
Displays the total armor value of the item, including modifiers from enchantments like Protection.
# Recipe of the Item 3x3 recipe: -
"AAA" -
" B " -
" C " recipe-items:
#D: ... etc.. # You can add how many characters you want
Discover the limitless possibilities of item customization with eDynamicItems+.