The FeatureBox
I developped this plugin for my server, and wanted to share with the community if it can be useful to someone
What does it bring?
5 things!
- First of all, we wanted to have the possibility to use Riptide even when weather is clear. So I did a look-like Riptide enchant. To enable it, you need to add a Riptide enchant on your Trident and rename it "Poseidon".
- Unused Killer Rabbit mob. I saw (inside the Java edition) that a Killer Rabbit was available as entity in the game. I added a natural generation for them.
- Unused Illusioner mob. I saw (inside the Java edition) that an Illusioner was available as entity in the game. I added a natural generation for them.
- Unused Zombie Horse mob. I saw (inside the Java edition) that a zombie horse was available as entity in the game. I added a natural generation for them.
- Each time a player die, the location of the death is sent to the player.
How to?
For the installation, nothing special excepted you need to add the .jar file into your plugins folder.
The plugin bring (of course) a default configuration, but you are free to update it (using the file or ingame).
- /featurebox reload Permits you to reload the configuration if you changed the file when the server is running.
- /riptidetoggle Permits you to enable/disable the riptide feature.
- /riptideforce <number> Permits you to control the force of the custom riptide (be careful, it can be... really fast.)
- /unusedtoggle <entity name> Permits you to enable or disable the natural spawn of three entities: rabbit, zombiehorse, illusioner.
- /unusedchance <entity name> <percentage> Permits you to control the % of chance for the natural apparition of those entities.
- /unusedlimit <entity name> <limit> Permits you to set a limit for the zombiehorse entity. The plugin won't generate more zombie horses after reaching the limit! (If you love zombie horses, you can remove the limit by setting it to -1)
- /ondeathtoggle Permits you to enable / disable the on death location feature.
No worries, if you don't have any limit configured in your config.yml file, the plugin will automatically set it up for you with a limit of 3 zombie horses.