The one and only!
It seems to be the only plugin on Spigot
that offers such features. I searched for
a long time and found nothing useful
with such a feature. So, the one and only
“that unites all in the dark”, lol.
What is this?
Yes, you can disable advancements with
the original spigot in a configuration,
but you can’t disable only for a specific
world. Personally, I needed such a plugin
2 years ago, but I couldn’t find it
– here it is now <3
- Prevent players from gaining specific
advancements in specific worlds.
- Prevent players getting XP from disabled advs.
- Prevent advancement annucements
- Multiple functionality modes
- MultiverseCore support
- Advancement gain deny message
- Update checking
- (HEX + ChatColor) Colors
- Explained config
1. Download plugin
2. Stop your server
3. Put plugin in plugins folder
4. Start server
5. Configure worlds in config.yml
6. Properly reload config
Commands & Permissions:
- /bdreload - reload plugin - bd.reload
Cherry on the top:
If you find this useful i would be glad to see your review. <3