ModPacketFix icon

ModPacketFix -----

A plugin that fixes some of the strange packet errors when using a Forge client with a Bukkit server

A plugin that fixes some of the too big/too small packet errors that occur when connecting to a Vanilla server with a Forge client.

Please Note: Some fixes require the Forge user to reconnect to the server

Link to my development Discord

When reporting an issue or requesting a packet fix, please include the following:

- Client version and type (Forge, Vanilla, etc.)
- Server version and type (Spigot, Paper, etc.)
- Velocity version and Ambassador version
- Mod list
- Install Spit it Out, recreate the error, then include the Client log file
- Server log file
- Velocity log file


- GitHub
- Maven Repo
- Spigot
- Hangar
- Modrinth

- ProtocolLib - For Bukkit/Spigot/Paper servers

Fixes Implemented

- Server sending a recipe book packet that is too big

Common Forge Client Errors

Too Many Channels
Client error:
Invalid payload REGISTER!

Server error:
[00:00:00 ERROR]: Couldn't register custom payload
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot register channel 'modid:channel'. Too many channels registered!

Add `-Dpaper.disableChannelLimit=true` to the server's startup arguments

Due to the amount of channels and mods at play, textures/items may be mismatched on the client
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 295
First Release: Oct 4, 2023
Last Update: Nov 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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