EGG RACE >> Literally Bingo 4.0 << icon

EGG RACE >> Literally Bingo 4.0 << -----

The goal is to complete a random recipe (plot twist : you are in creative mode and can cheat)

The goal is to complete a random recipe
Plot twist : you are in creative mode and can cheat

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You can be in survival, spectator or creative
You can locate structures, biomes, and points of interest

But you can’t take items directly from your creative tab
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Compatibility : only designed for Spigot servers

No need to configure: everything is ready → download and play, solo or with your friends.
Because the servers of mini-games are in agony and it is time to open a new era : that of games "download and play".

The goal is to make enderman's egg .
You must make 3 egg fragments, in order to complete the final egg. Each of these fragments has a randomly determined recipe that you will need to complete. To do this, you will have the right to the gamemode survival, creative and spectator : click wheel, duplication, X-ray, ... are part of the game.

Do '/start' in the console to (re)start a round.
Do '/goal' to know the recipes for the 3 enderman egg fragments.
The '/l' command allows you to call the '/locate' command without being op, and the command '/tp' shows you the 'travel pointer' of your destination.
Use the magic egg to change game modes.

Note the items will only be available in your creative tabs once unlocked legitimately :
to facilitate your storage, dropping an item destroys it instantly.

Final summary tab :
- progress summary tab (contains the exact time of obtention for each egg ingredient)
-time allocated tab (contains the time the player has allocated to finding each egg ingredient) WORK IN PROGRESS

Duration of a round:
-for beginners ≈ 2h00m
-for intermediates ≈ 1h30m
-for professionals no idea
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 357
First Release: Sep 27, 2023
Last Update: Oct 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings