MyDrops icon

MyDrops -----

Prevent other players from picking up what is yours.

- Configurable protections
- Ingame config editor (with commands and GUI)
- Supports tab completion on commands
- Fully customizable, configurable and translatable ingame or using the configuration command
- Multiple database formats supported
- Protection expiry timer
- Per player configurations
- Per player protection
- Active support in discussion tab, DM or discord: maxx_qc
- Add other players to your trusted players list so you can share your drops
- Parties plugin support

If someone drops an item, only this person will be able to pickup the dropped item.
If someone breaks a block, only this person will be able to pickup the dropped items (including items in a container).
If someone kills an entity, only this person will be able to pickup the dropped items.
If someone removes something from an item frame, only this person will be able to pickup the dropped item.

You can also add players and your own party to your trust list!

(Projectiles shot by players also make the dropped items to be only pickeable by the shooter)

There are some limitations though!
1. If the player removes multiple blocks using gravity (example placing a torch under gravel or sand tower), anyone will be able to pickup the dropped items

  • mydrops.bypass.pickup | Allow a player to pickup any item
  • mydrops.bypass.drop | A player with this permission will not have any items to themselves only, everyone will be able to pickup what is theirs
  • mydrops.bypass.expiry | A player with this permission will not have any expiration timer on their drops
  • mydrops.command.core | Gives access to /mydrops command
  • mydrops.command.glowcolor | Gives access to /mydrops glowcolor command
  • mydrops.command.trash | Gives access to /mydrops trash command
  • mydrops.update | This player will receive all the informations from the auto updater when a new version is available
  • mydrops.command.reload | Gives access to /mydrops reload command
  • mydrops.command.config | Gives access to /mydrops config command
  • | Gives access to /mydrops trust command
  • | Gives access to /mydrops trust <addparty/removeparty> command
  • | Gives access to /mydrops protection command

Please see the permissions section to know which command goes with which permission.
- /mydrops [or] /md | Core command
- /mydrops glowcolor [color] | Allow a player to define their own glow color (with GUI or directly with command)
- /mydrops trash | Allow a player to open up a trash container to dispose items
- /mydrops trust <add/addparty/remove/removeparty/list> [player] | Allow a player to edit or view their trust list
- /mydrops protection <type> <true/false> | Allow a player to enable or disable a specific type of protection
- /mydrops protection list | Displays the state of all protection types enabled and disabled
- /mydrops config [key] [value] | Config editor (with GUI or directly with command)
- /mydrops reload [or] /mydrops rl | Reloads the configuration from file

Incoming features [WIP]
- Per player expiry time
- Add placeholders with PAPI
- Add protection GUI
- Add player settings GUI
- Add permission for invulnerable drops
- Add trusted players GUI
- Add general GUI
- Experience protection
- Add PostgresSQL support
- Owner nametag/display


Bugs and support
Please use the discussion tab to report bugs, suggest new features or if you need support.

Original request:
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 815
First Release: Sep 20, 2023
Last Update: 53 mins ago
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings