Add images in ServerIcon folder (the image name does not matter)
All of your server icons must be 64x64 and end in .png! Those who do not comply will not be used!
To change the server image you have to click the refresh button after putting the image in the /SimpleMOTD/ServerIcon folder
# update-message: enable or disable the update message when enter in server
# no-argument-message: enable or disable the command message "/sm" if it not have any argument
# no-perm-message: enable or disable message when use a command and don`t have permission
# show-icon: enable or disable icon
# show-motd: enable or disable motd
# maintenance-mode: enable or disable maintenance mode
# maintenance-mode-kick: kick player who try join the server when it is in maintenance mode
line1: " §e§lSimpleMOTD"
line2: " §aJoin Now §7| §cSIMPLE MOTD"
line1: " §c§lMaintenance"
line2: " §6Server is under maintenance"
kick-message: "§4§lMaintenance mode is currently on"
kick-bypass: "&4Server is under maintenance, &6may not work correctly"
invalid-image: 'All of your server icons must be 64x64 and end in .png! Those who do not comply will not be used!'
retry: 'The icons directory is missing! Trying to create one now...'
- '&b<-----------------&aCOMMANDS&b----------------->'
- '&e/simplemotd help &7Show this message'
- '&e/simplemotd version &7Show plugin version'
- '&e/simplemotd reload &7Reload plugin'
- '&e/simplemotd plugin &7Show plugin download link'
reload: '%plugin% &aThe plugin has been reloaded'
version: '%plugin% &aPlugin version: &b%version%'
author: '%plugin% &aPlugin author: &b%author%'
command-no-argument: '%plugin% &fUse &e/simplemotd help &fto see the command list'
no-perm: '%plugin% &cYou don`t have permission to use that command'
console-error: 'You can`t use that command in console'
update-checker: '%plugin% &bThere is a new version &e(&f%latestversion%&e)&b. Download it here: &7%link%'