Are you tired of the same old voting systems on your server?
Well... Vote Trains is a new
unique way to reward players for voting on your server. Once a player votes, it will count their vote towards the Vote Train. Through configurable vote train
goals, you are able to reward your players for reaching these goals, but
time is the essence, because the Vote Train has a limited duration, so only if the players reach these goals within the timeframe will they be rewarded!
Support for PlaceholderAPI
Create an unlimited amount of goals and reward the server for reaching these goals
Choose to only start the Vote Train after a certain amount is reached first
Manually start a Vote Train with /votetrain forcestart
Everything you expect to be configurable is configurable, including the bossbar & messages.
Votifier/NuVotifier This plugin is required to track the votes.
PlaceholderAPI This plugin is optional.
Make sure the correct dependencies are installed.
Install Vote Trains to your server.
Run the server to generate the config.
Close the server and edit the config to your liking.
Code (YAML):
duration: 1800
###When Vote Train is on cooldown, votes will not track and no trains will start unless manually started ###using /votetrain forcestart. ###(in seconds) cooldown: 300
reset-on-new-vote: true
###Do you want the counter to reset back to 0 after a Vote Train is started using /votetrain forcestart ###and once a Vote Train starts automatically by "only-start-after" being higher than 0? reset-after-force-start: true
###Do you want the Vote Train to stop tracking votes after the last goal is reached? stop-tracking-when-reached: false
###Do you want the Vote Train to stop when the highest goal is reached? early-end-when-reached: false
###Do you want the Vote Train to start only after a certain amount of votes is reached? only-start-after: 0
displayName: "&a1 Vote Crate" threshold: 5
commands: -
"crate giveall Vote 1" rare:
displayName: "&91 Rare Crate" threshold: 10
commands: -
"crate giveall Rare 1" epic:
displayName: "&51 Epic Crate" threshold: 20
theme-color: "PURPLE" commands: -
"crate giveall Epic 1" bossbar-settings:
enabled: true
interval: 5
format: "&a&lVOTE TRAIN&7: &7the server has gotten &f%amount% vote(s) &7(&f%time_remaining% &7remaining)" style: "SOLID" color: "GREEN" broadcast-settings:
enabled: true
interval: 300
announce-on-new-vote: true
effects: ###Sound played when a Vote Train starts or when it's auto-broadcasted interval-sound: "" ###Sound played when a goal is surpassed surpassed-sound: "" ###Sound played when a train ends completed-sound: "" formats:
interval: -
"&7&m " -
"&a&lVOTE TRAIN" -
"&7The server has gotten &f%amount% vote(s)&7 with &f%time_remaining% &7remaining." -
" " - "&eCurrent Goal&7: &f%goal_display_name% &7
(%goal_amount%)" - "&eNext Goal&7: &f%next_goal_display_name% &7
(%next_goal_amount%)" -
"&7&oVote at &f&" -
"&7&m " goal-surpassed: -
"&7&m " -
"&a&lVOTE TRAIN" -
"&7The server has gotten &f%amount% vote(s)&7." -
"&7All players will receive %goal_display_name% &7in &f%time_remaining%&7." -
" " - "&eNext Goal&7: &f%next_goal_display_name% &7
(%next_goal_amount%)" -
"&7&oVote at &f&" -
"&7&m " goal-reached: -
"&7&m " -
"&a&lVOTE TRAIN" -
"&7The server got &f%amount% vote(s)&7." -
"&7All players have received %goal_display_name%&7!" -
"&7&m "
%amount% - the current vote count
%time_elapsed% - how long time the Vote Train has been running
%time_remaining% - how long time left of the Vote Train
%goal_display_name% - the display name of the current goal surpassed
%goal_amount% - the amount threshold of the current goal surpassed
%next_goal_display_name% - the display name of the next goal
%next_goal_amount% - the amount threshold of the next goal
%highest_goal_display_name% - the display name of the highest goal
%highest_goal_amount% - the amount threshold of the highest goal
%votetrain_cooldown% - the cooldown set by the config
%votetrain_required_amount% - the minimum amount of votes required to start the Vote Train
%votetrain_amount% - the current vote count
%votetrain_time_elapsed% - how long time the Vote Train has been running
%votetrain_time_remaining% - how long time left of the Vote Train
%votetrain_goal_displayname% - the display name of the current goal surpassed
%votetrain_goal_amount% - the amount threshold of the current goal surpassed
%votetrain_nextgoal_displayname% - the display name of the next goal
%votetrain_nextgoal_amount% - the amount threshold of the next goal
%votetrain_highestgoal_displayname% - the display name of the highest goal
%votetrain_highestgoal_amount% - the amount threshold of the highest goal
Configurable to reset the time back when the server gets a new vote