# Maximum number of reports that each player can send for the same player
#This max reports, reset when the server turn off
Max_reports_per_person: false
max_reports: 5
# If this is true, the plugin send a report message to notify admins :D
# (Notify only if a player submits a report from the same server as Admin)
notify_reports_msg: true
# If this is true, the plugin send a report title to notify admins :D
# (Notify only if a player submits a report from the same server as Admin)
notify_reports_title: true
# If this is true, the plugin send a sound to notify admins :D
# (Notify only if a player submits a report from the same server as Admin)
notify_reports_sounds: true
# In this example "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" is the sound,
# "10" is the volume and "2" is the pitch
report_sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;2
# This example sound only work in 1.9+, if you have 1.8 CHANGE THIS SOUND!
# You need to know that sounds names have changed in 1.9 so be careful with that. Links:
# Sounds 1.8: http://docs.codelanx.com/Bukkit/1.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# Sounds 1.9+: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
#You can customize a command to appear in the quick actions menu
customized_command: "mute %reported"
# You can employ this feature for your network by simply installing the plugin on all network servers
# and setting them up to use the same database :D
MySQL-active: true