Force Battle Plugin
» What is ForceBattle? «
This plugin introduces Force Battles for items, mobs, biomes, advancements and heights. Each player is given an objective which they have to complete (e.g. finding dirt) in order to score points. The player with the most points wins. On top of this, this plugin comes with a lot of features that add to the experience. For example a chain mode where each player has to complete the same chain of objectives or teams competing against each other. See the full feature list below.
Feature List:
• /menu for all the important settings
• Exclude players from the challenge
• /result <player> command to see what objectives the player has completed
• Backpacks for both team and personal
• Points to keep track of completed objectives
• Teams (/team create) - synced points across team
• Reset menu to easily reset the challenge (/reset, /reset <player>)
• Jokers and swaps (adjustable amount)
• Joker menu to adjust the amount of jokers and swaps (/joker, /joker <player>)
• Timer and timer UI (/timer, /timer <toggle, set>)
• Points menu to easily adjust players points (/points <player>)
• Skip command to skip unobtainable objectives (most are excluded by default)
• Placeholder API - currently only featuring objective, objective type and points.
Points: %points%
Objective Type: %objective_type%
Objective: %objective%
• /menu: menu for all the important settings and challenges
• /team: all the options for your team
• /skip: skip an objective for a player
• /exclude: exclude a player from the challenge (spectator)
• /backpack: open your personal or team backpack
• /points: adjust players points
• /timer: toggle or set the timer
• /reset: menu to easily reset the challenge
• /joker: adjust the amount of jokers a player has
• /result: opens an inventory containing the completed objectives of a player
Found a Bug or need help?
Please report any issues/suggestions on Discord: fameless9