Silk Anticheat | SKRIPT | 1.8.x-1.20.x icon

Silk Anticheat | SKRIPT | 1.8.x-1.20.x -----

Lightweight and easy Solution to get rid of Cheaters.

|| Silk Anticheat ||
A lightweight and straight forward Anticheat System.
Supported Servers
This Anticheat System supports all kinds of Servers but works best on PvP Servers, Survival Servers or SMPs, Minigame Servers and Practice Servers. It was tested on many different kinds of Servers and it should work perfectly on your Server aswell!

As the Silk Anticheat was made using Skript, it is compatible with almost every other Plugin and Skript. It is very lightweight and does not use much of your Servers Resources. It can even be used on a Server with 1gb ram or less!

This Anticheat is being developed just by me. I have more than 2 years of Skript and Minecraft Server administration Experience so I can fully concentrate on this Project to keep this Anticheat updated and optimized!

Incredibly Easy To Use
Another great thing about this Anticheat is, that everyone can use it due to how easy it is to setup. Most other Anticheats have hundreds of Lines in a config file but I decided to make it different. So the Silk Anticheat has just a few Lines of options to edit, but still includes everything you need, to make the Anticheat work however you wish! (You can find the options in the skript file itself on the very top)

Download and Setup Steps
As already mentioned above, this Anticheat is extremely easy to use and setup so here are the steps you need to follow (It looks like alot but it's just very well explained):
  1. Download the latest Version of the Anticheat.
  2. You will now have a file called "" in your downloads folder.
  3. Head over to your Server and install the Skript Plugin (for 1.8) or (1.9 and above).
  4. (If you already have skript installed on your Server skip these steps and jump over to step 7)
  5. Now put the .jar File into the Plugins folder of your Server and restart or reload your server.
  6. After restarting/reloading your Server you should see a Folder called "Skript" inside of your Plugins Folder.
  7. Open the "Skript" Folder and in that Folder open the "scripts" Folder. There should already be a bunch of pre-made scripts inside so just ignore that or delete them (You don't really need them).
  8. Now upload the "" File into the scripts folder.
  9. Next open your Server's Console or join the server and type "sk reload" in the console or in the chat as a command. This will reload the Skript.
  10. If you see a Message in the Console saying "Successfully reloaded" everything is fine, if it results in an error let me know in the Rating Section and I will help you solve it.
  11. Now if you want to change some options go back to your Server's Plugin folder and open the file in the scripts folder. On the very top there is a section called options. You can change all of the options.
  12. Now you're good to go and successfully finished the setup of the SilkAnticheat. If you want to see all the commands you can execute in this Anticheat type "/sac" or "/silkanticheat" in the chat! Have fun catching Cheaters!

Required Plugins

Commands (<> = required, [] = optional)
# Opens a GUI with several infos about a Player
/silkanticheat check <player>

# Kicks a Player for a reason
/silkanticheat kick <player> [reason]
# Bans a Player for a Reason
/silkanticheat ban <player> [reason]
# Unbans a Player
/silkanticheat unban <player>
# Mutes a Player for a reason
/silkanticheat mute <player> [reason]
# Unmutes a Player
/silkanticheat unmute <player>
# Adds a Note to a player (Can be viewed with "/silkanticheat check <player>")
/silkanticheat addnote <player> <note>
(Hint: You can use /sac instead of /silkanticheat)

Permissions (by default)
silkac.admin - Permission for all Commands of the Anticheat)
silkac.flags - Permission to view Player Flags
(Can be changed in options)

Latest Changelog (v0.1)
  • Fixed Permissions from my.permission to silkac.admin and silkac.flags
  • Added auto kick and auto ban option
  • Temporarily removed Inventory Walk Check due to the Check not working
  • Added FastPlace-A Check (Blocks placed per tick)
  • Added FastPlace-B Check (Tick Delay between Block Placement)
  • Added Autoclick-LMB and Autoclick-RMB Check
  • Added Credits in the help message
  • Improved Reliability Value on every Check

List of Current Checks
Velocity/Anti Knockback
No Slowdown
Attack Reach
Anti Fire A
Anti Fire B
Fast Place A
Fast Place B
Auto Click LMB
Auto Click RMB

More Checks will be added in further Updates soon!

My Discord - bridgersilk
If you experience any bugs or issues contact me on Discord.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 157
First Release: Jul 31, 2023
Last Update: Apr 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
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