Integration with RealMines (automatically creates a region for a mine) and RealPermissions (sync up permissions)
YAML Configuration.
Simple and performantGUI interface.
FlagToggling by GUI.
ConsoleCommands also Supported.
Bypass any Region Flag with Permissions
Create, Import, Unload and Manage Worlds with commands and GUI.
/rr menu
Region Flag's Interactive Screen
Region Flag's Editor
Entities Screen
Commands & Permissions
1. Default Command:
- Command: `/realregions` or `/rr`
- Function: Displays plugin information, such as the plugin name and version.
2. Reload Command:
- Command: `/realregions reload` or `/rr reload`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Reloads the configuration files and updates the plugin settings.
3. Worlds Command:
- Command: `/realregions worlds` or `/rr worlds`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Lists all registered worlds and their load status. If executed by a player, opens a graphical menu to view and manage worlds.
4. Create Command:
- Command: `/realregions create <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Allows a player to create a region by selecting a WorldEdit region. The region is then created and associated with the specified name.
5. Create World Command:
- Command: `/realregions createw <name> <worldtype>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Creates a new world with the specified name and world type.
6. Region Command:
- Command: `/realregions region <name>` or `/rr reg <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Displays detailed information about the specified region. If executed by a player, opens a graphical menu to manage the region.
7. World Command:
- Command: `/realregions world <name>` or `/rr w <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Displays detailed information about the specified world. If executed by a player, opens a graphical menu to manage the world.
8. Teleport World Command:
- Command: `/realregions tp <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Teleports the player to the specified world.
9. Teleport Region Command:
- Command: `/realregions tpr <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Teleports the player to the specified region.
10. View Command:
- Command: `/realregions view <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Toggles the visibility of region boundaries for the specified region.
13. Unregister Command:
- Command: `/realregions unregister <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Unregisters the specified world from the plugin.
14. Import Command:
- Command: `/realregions import <name> <worldtype>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Imports a world with the specified name and world type.
15. Delete Region Command:
- Command: `/realregions delete <name>` or `/rr del <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Deletes the specified region.
16. Entities Command:
- Command: `/realregions entities <name>` or `/rr ents <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Displays a graphical menu showing entities present in the specified world.
17. Delete World Command:
- Command: `/realregions deleteworld <name>` or `/rr delw <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Deletes the specified world.
18. Players Command:
- Command: `/realregions players <name>` or `/rr plrs <name>`
- Permission: `realregions.admin`
- Function: Displays a graphical menu showing players present in the specified world.
Support If you have any problem with my plugin, you can contact me via DM here no Spigot or join the Discord server. If you like this plugin Don't forget to give it a 5 star rating!