Loot Boxes icon

Loot Boxes -----

Containers with random loot

This looting plugin draws inspiration from the old RPG Chest premium plugin, offering a host of exciting features to enhance your gameplay:
  • Randomly spawn loot boxes either at a player's location or at the world spawn.
  • Customize keys for opening containers, with support for keys having any metadata.
  • Easily add loot items as a batch, no need to add them one by one. Click on the item to set chance, amount, and more after you save the items.
  • Enjoy a highly customizable GUI, with an easy way to add your own custom loot and keys.
  • Set up special effects around the container, display text, and make the loot box glow.
  • Use static loot boxes that always spawn at the same location. This allows you to apply the same loot table to several different loot boxes.
  • Personalize the localization for both the menu and chat messages to suit your preferences.
  • Benefit from WorldGuard integration to control container spawning in specific areas.
For more detailed info check the wiki. For problems or help Discord or GitHub.

With this feature-packed looting plugin, you'll have the power to deliver an immersive and rewarding looting experience for your players, with extensive customization options and ease of use for adding loot items. Prepare for exciting adventures and unforgettable looting quests in your Minecraft world!

Code (Text):
/lootbox menu
/lootbox key <container> <key> <amount>
/lootbox reload


Code (Text):
lootboxes.admin.* -> give you access to all permissions
lootboxes.command.menu -> give you permission to use the menu
lootboxes.command.reload -> give you permission to reload
lootboxes.link.containers -> permission to use the linking tools
lootboxes.command.key -> to use the command to give you the storage keys
lootboxes.bypass.open.requirement -> give you permission to open the loot container without needing the key.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,298
First Release: Jul 28, 2023
Last Update: Nov 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings