Ever thought of speedrunning Minecraft with friends? Dive into Speedrun Timer! It sets up a lobby and displays a real-time timer, making your speedrun sessions smoother and more thrilling! Get ready to race and track your progress effortlessly!
NOTE⚠️ This plugin must be on a separate server to avoid conflict with other plugins.
I would appreciate if you support me for my hard work by
donating any amount
Pick any colour in the Minecraft API for the timer
GUI to start, pause & stop
Countdown (You can disable it in the config)
100% customizable!
Easy to use
Can be used as many people you want!
Code (Text):
#- funcy's SpeedrunTimer
#- version v0.0.1
#- Discord: https://discord.gg/CQ9BfSKjy8
# Thank you for installing & using my speedrun timer! :D
# If you use my plugin in a video, please leave a link for others to download my plugin :)
# Plugin coded by a high school student
# Support: https://discord.gg/CQ9BfSKjy8
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Change the Speedrun Timer Colors
bossBarColor: BLUE
# Example Colors 'RED', 'GREEN', 'PINK', 'PURPLE', 'WHITE', 'YELLOW', 'BLUE'
# Find more colors here: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/minecraft-color-codes/
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Waiting lobby settings
# Refill the player's hunger bar on start?
refillPlayersHunger: true
# Set time to morning on start?
daytimeonstart: true
# Create a world border? Enter 'true' or 'false'
createWorldBoder: true
# Make the countdown when starting? 'true' or 'false'
makeStartingCountdown: true
# Allow player break blocks in the lobby?
DontPlayersToBreakBlocks: true
# How big to make the waiting lobby border? Enter any positive integer:
lobbyBorder: 10
# How big would you like the world border would be? (When the game has started) Enter any positive integer:
gameBorder: 5000
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Speedrun game settings
# Pause the player's movement when the speedrun is pause? Enter 'true' or 'false'
PlayerPauseMovement: true
# Do message prompts? Enter 'true' or 'false'
DoPrompts: true
Showcase By typing "/speedrun" in game, it would open a GUI that allows you to start, pause or stop the timer above your screen!
When the players kill the dragon and enter the portal, all players will get kicked and see the time to beat the game!