MineM Invoices icon

MineM Invoices -----

Invoice system based on most FiveM servers and can be used in Roleplay modes.

Invoice system based on most FiveM servers and can be used in Roleplay modes.

Open Invoices:

Paid Invoices:


  • Configurable menu and items.
  • Customizable messages.
  • Easy to check your configured items using the menu.
  • Choose the expire date in config.
  • Automatically pays the bills after the expired time and date.

Commands and permissions:
Note: You can change the command in the config.yml

- /invoice - GUI with all open and closed invoices
- /invoice create <player> <amount> <reason> - Create an invoice
- /invoice forcecreate <creator> <biller> <amount> <reason> - Create system invoice
- /invoice view <player> - View invoices of a player
- /invoice cancel <player> <id> <reason> - Cancel an invoice
- /invoice help

- minem.invoices.command.create
- minem.invoices.command.forcecreate
- minem.invoices.command.view
- minem.invoices.command.cancel
- minem.invoices.command.help

Vault -> Download (Be sure to have an economy plugin too like Essentials, MinetopiaSDB or something else)

bStats Metrics


Resource Information
Total Downloads: 256
First Release: Jul 27, 2023
Last Update: Nov 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings