⭐ AutoMine [1.16] ⭐ Auto mine for your server icon

⭐ AutoMine [1.16] ⭐ Auto mine for your server -----

Mine for your server


AutoMine is a plugin for Minecraft servers that allows players to create automatic mines in specific regions using the WorldGuard plugin. When players enter a mine zone, certain blocks are automatically replaced with others, and players receive rewards in the form of virtual currency for each broken block.

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Key Features of the AutoMine Plugin:

  1. Regional Mines: Players can create mines in designated regions defined by the WorldGuard plugin. When a player enters such a zone, specific blocks are automatically replaced, creating an automatic mining experience.

  2. Block Rewards: Players receive virtual currency (customizable in the configuration) for each block they break in the regional mine.

  3. Block Cooldown: After breaking a block, the replaced block is restored after a certain amount of time. This creates the effect of an automatic mine and prevents immediate re-breaking of blocks.

  4. Customizable: The AutoMine plugin is fully configurable through its configuration file. Server owners can customize the blocks that can be broken, the amount of currency rewarded for each block, and the cooldown time for block restoration.

  5. Integration with Vault Economy: The AutoMine plugin integrates with the Vault economy plugin, allowing players to earn and spend virtual currency in-game.
AutoMine provides the ability to create unique automatic mines for your Minecraft server and offers an exciting gameplay experience for your players.

Supported Commands:

  1. /automine create <regionName> - Create an automated mining area within the specified WorldGuard region. Players must have the automine.create permission to use this command. Upon successful creation, players will receive a confirmation message.

  2. /automine remove <regionName> - Remove the automated mining area from the specified region. Players must have the automine.remove permission to use this command. Upon successful removal, players will receive a confirmation message.

  3. /automine reload - Reload all plugin configurations. Players must have the automine.reload permission to use this command. The reload includes configurations for mining blocks, cooldowns, and rewards for breaking blocks.
Command Descriptions:

  • /automine create <regionName>: Players can create an automated mining area in a predefined WorldGuard region. The plugin will automatically replace specific blocks within the region and reward the player for each block they break.

  • /automine remove <regionName>: Players can remove a previously created automated mining area from the specified region. After removal, the region will no longer automatically replace blocks upon breaking, and rewards will no longer be given.

  • /automine reload: Allows players to reload all plugin configurations, including settings for mining blocks, cooldowns, and rewards. This enables updating the plugin settings without restarting the server.

Exemple config file

Contact/Support the Developer
Discord: hogeltbellai
Email: [email protected]
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 223
First Release: Jul 18, 2023
Last Update: Jun 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings