This plugin is an add-on to
Blablubbabc's Shopkeepers plugin and aims to improve the ability to find shopkeepers based on the shopkeeper's owners, the items they sell and the items they buy.
The plugin has the following commands:
/findshops - Opens a GUI with information about all shopkeepers in your server. Aliases for this command include /fs and /shops.
/findshops selling [item] - Opens a GUI with shopkeepers that sell the specified item.
/findshops buying [item]- Opens a GUI with shopkeepers that buy the specified item.
/findshops player [player] - Opens a GUI with all shopkeepers that the specified player owns.
/shopkeeperslist help - Sends the player a message containing information about the plugins and a list of commands.
/shopkeeperslist reload - Reloads the configuration file.
The plugin has the following permissions:
shopkeeperslist.findshops - Gives the player permission to open the shopkeepers GUI.
shopkeeperslist.teleport - Gives the player permission to teleport to a shopkeeper by right-clicking on it in the GUI.
shopkeeperslist.openremotely - Gives the player permission to open a shopkeeper's menu by left-clicking it in the GUI.
shopkeeperslist.reload - Gives the player permission to reload the configuration file.
Here's an image of what a shopkeeper looks like in the GUI:
# Permissions: # shopkeeperslist.reload - Allows the player to reload the plugin with /shopkeeperslist reload. # shopkeeperslist.findshops - Allows the player to use the /findshops command. # shopkeeperslist.teleport - Allows the player to teleport to a shopkeeper by right-clicking on the shopkeeper in the GUI. # shopkeeperslist.openremotely - Allows the player to open a shopkeeper remotely by left-clicking on the shopkeeper in the GUI. shopkeeper-display: # The name of the shopkeeper item in the GUI # {name} - A placeholder for the custom name a player can give their shopkeeper name:
default-name: "&e&lShopkeeper" custom-name: "&e&l{name}" # The lore lines # {owner} - The owner of the shopkeeper # {world} - The name of the world the shopkeeper is in # {X} {Y} {Z} - The coordinates of the location of the shopkeeper # {trades} - A list of the trades the shopkeeper has (customize under 'trades' in this config) lore-lines:
- "&7Owned by: &a{owner}" - "&7Location: &a{world} &7at &aX
}&7, &aY
}&7, &aZ
}" - "" - "&e&lTrades:
" - "{trades
}" - "" - "&7&o➤ Right-click to &a&oteleport
" - "&7&o➤ Left-click to &a&oopen remotely
" # {item} - The item traded # {amount} - The amount of items trades: no-trades: "&7No trades found.
" # Format: {out-of-stock-prefix} {cost-1} {cost-divider} {cost-2} {divider} {result} # Example: X 6x emerald + 3x diamond -> 1x elytra trade-format: out-of-stock-prefix: "&c&lX&r
" cost-1: "&a
" cost-divider: " &7+&r
" cost-2: "&a
" divider: " &7&l->&e
" result: "&e
# The messages that are sent to the player when /shopkeeperslist or /shopkeeperslist help is executed help-command-lines: - "&7&m
-------------&r &e&l
} &7&m
" - "&7Version
: &e{version}" - "&7Author: &e{author}" -
"" -
"&e/shopkeeperslist help &7- View this help menu." -
"&e/findshops &7- Displays a GUI with information about all shopkeepers in your server." -
"&e/findshops selling [item] &7- Shows a GUI listing shopkeepers that sell the specified item." -
"&e/findshops buying [item] &7- Displays a GUI listing shopkeepers that buy the specified item." -
"&e/findshops player [player] &7- Opens a GUI with all shopkeepers owned by the specified player." -
"" -
"&7For quick access, use &e/fs &7or &e/shops &7instead of /findshops." -
# ------------------------------------------------------ # # | Messages | # # ------------------------------------------------------ # no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command! You need permission &f{permission}&c." wrong-usage: "&cWrong usage! Use &f{usage}&c." only-players: "&cYou must be a player to use this command." config-reloaded: "&aConfig reloaded!" on-teleport: "&aTeleported to shopkeeper!" no-shops-found: "&cNo shopkeepers found." no-shops-selling: "&cNo shops found selling &f{item}&c." no-shops-buying: "&cNo shops found buying &f{item}&c." no-shops-player: "&cNo shops found for player &f{player}&c." on-unknown-error: "&cAn unknown error occurred. Please check the console for more information."