Report Systems Super easy of used
- Bungeecord interaction - ✅
- Add commands discord and Minecraft - soon
Please suggest more options
report | report player or Bug
reports | show all reports
reloadrmcl | reload configs
reportscance | cancel 1 reports only
reportscancelall | cancel all reports
MCreport.admin | used reloadrmc command
MCreport.staff | used others staff commands
Setup Tutorial:
Put the .jar into your "plugins" folder. Afterwards, (re)start your server.
and paste TOKEN and PLAYER-CHANNEL and BUGS-CHANNEL on config
Default config.yml:
Code (Text):
config: 1.3
## created by zvicraft
# Moderation
language-file: "en_us" # The name of the language file to use
prefix: "&6&lMCREPORTED &7| "
none-player: "&cOnly a player can do that command."
none-target: "&cYou need a player to do this command."
none-need-args: "&7You don't need a bigger argument than that in your command."
none-alive: "&cThis player does not exist or is not on the server."
reload: "&aThe plugin has been updated successfully."
player-same: "&cYou can't do this to yourself!"
MUST-BE-PLAYER-ERROR: "&cOnly a player can execute this command!"
#GUI-icon: "" #url
ReportCMD: "/" #prefix
Report-PLayer: "&bReported Player..."
Report-Close: "&cClose!"
Report-Bugs: "&bReported Bugs..."
Report-Menu: "&a&lReport Menu!"
Online-Players-Menu: "&aOnline Players"
Status-Online-Menu: "&7Status: &aOnline"
ReportType: "&cReport Type"
Bungee: #true or false
SERVAR_NAME: "" #server name
#bot discord
TOKEN-INVADE: "ERROR: Provided bot token is invalid!"
WSH: "" #Text
Report Bugs
Report Players