Particle Text | [1.8 - 1.21.3] icon

Particle Text | [1.8 - 1.21.3] -----

Create texts using particle effects

Minimum Java Version: Java 17


What is Particle Text?

Particle Text is a Minecraft plugin that create texts effects using particles. The size and the particle type of text can be defined through the command.
  • Create texts using particle effects.
  • Supports Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21.3.
  • Supports wide range of Spigot and Spigot forks.
  • Texts can be disabled or enabled if you don't want to delete.
  • Particle origin is editable through commands.
  • Inverted particles.
  • Supporting all particle effects.
  • Supporting Java AWT fonts.
  • Particle renderers can be rotated in X, Y and Z axes.

License & Source Code
If you don't have permission by the author you are NOT allowed to decompile any file of this project.

Texts generated using Particle Text



Commands and Permissions

Code (Text):
- Main command of the Pixel Painter.
- No permission required to run this command.
- Tab Completer permission: pt.tabcompleter

/pt create <id> <particle type> <invert> <size> <text to show>
- Shows a text message with specified particle effect.
- Permission: pt.create

/pt delete <id>
- Delete the target particle renderer and stop rendering.
- Permission: pt.delete

/pt list
- Shows a list of registered particle renderers.
- Permission: pt.list

/pt teleport <id>
- Teleports you to renderer origin.
- Permission:

/pt tphere <id>
- Teleports renderer to your location.
- Permission: pt.tphere

/pt rotate <id> <axis> <angle>
- Rotates the specified particle renderer in the given axis.
- Permission: pt.rotate

/pt particle <id> <particle name>
- Changes target renederers particle effect.
- Permission: pt.particle

/pt enabled <id> <true/false>
- Enable or disable target particle renderer.
- Permission: pt.enabled

/pt setsize <id> <size (can be a double or float)>
- Sets the size of renderers without recreating or resetting their fonts.
- Permission: pt.setsize

/pt help
- Sends commands and their description, usage, etc.
- Permission:

/pt reload
- Reloads configuration files and renderers.
- Permission: pt.reload

/pt font <id> <font name> <style> <size>
- Change font of the renderer.
- Permission: pt.font

bStats Metrics
This plugin uses bStats to collect anonymous data from servers, including server location, Java version, server version, player count, and other related metrics. All collected information is anonymized to ensure privacy.


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Copyright 2024 © Berke Akçen
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,258
First Release: Jul 5, 2023
Last Update: Nov 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings