Oudated CTW icon

Oudated CTW -----

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A new CTW aimed at people who want a more personalized and dynamic game, if you have any suggestions enter our discord, in this plugin you will find cosmetics, new ways of playing and an active support.


  • Modify the commands
  • Added Commands /leave, /join, /ctw join, /ctw menu
  • Add titles
  • Add Actionbar Messages
  • Messages like in Hypixel
  • The level system and its rewards work well
  • Now when starting the game check that the teams are balanced
  • Game change messages
  • Events that prevent yarns from being misplaced or stored
  • Removed catch the flag code
  • Added a menu showing the game status and your stats
  • Now the autojoinfinish sends you directly to another game
  • New victory effects
    New variables supported by PlaceholderAPI


    ∑ Editable inventories Using the /ctws inventory <name> command you have the possibility to edit the inventory items by changing the name in an anunque so that the plugin recognizes your position, then we will show you all the inventories and their variables to edit.
    ∑ Easy Arena Setup ⊳ Using the /ctws create <name> <schematic>. You will be sent to a new world where the schematic with that name will stick, and you will be given a diamond and stick to set up the arenas from a simple menu.
    ∑ MySQL & SQLLite ⊳ An interface system that makes saving data immense, not noticeable, therefore multiple statistics can be saved without excessive memory consumption.
    ∑ Custom Teams ⊳ You have the possibility to create teams of the color you want.
    ∑ Custom Wool Colors ⊳ You have the possibility to set the colors of the wools, as well as the amount of wools.
    ∑ Trails Cosmetic ⊳ You have the possibility to create Projectiles Particles, they are displayed when any projectile is launched.
    ∑ Taunts Cosmetic ⊳ You can create different death messages, this is a cosmetic that will give a longer life to CTW.
    ∑ KillSounds Cosmetic ⊳ You can create different sounds of death, these reproduce when you kill.
    ∑ KillEffects ⊳ When killing players die they will play an effect on the dead man's position, to celebrate their kill (these are not editable in operation, only the menus are editable)
    ∑ WinDances⊳ When they win the players have celebrations a little exaggerated but show their potential as a VIP. (These are not editable in how they work but if the icons and names in the inventory)
    ∑ WinEffects ⊳ Players when they win throw fireworks, but they can choose to throw other things, such as fire, chickens or musical notes among others. (These are not editable in operation but if their icons and names are editable in the menu)
    ∑ Kits ⊳ You can create different kits, these include levels, and can be purchased in-game.
    ∑ Shop Keepers ⊳ You can put the different entities, and each player will see the one you have purchased.
    ∑ Shop Items ⊳ You can add items to an in-play store, with a price.
    ∑ NPC´s ⊳ You can add Kit and Shop NPCs for each player.
    ∑ Lobby Protection ⊳ You have injections, as it is the first version you have UltraCTW-LobbyProtection.jar
    ∑ Map Rotation ⊳ You can create multiple maps, and they will rotate between them.
    ∑ Level System ⊳ Each Kill and Each Win will give you experience and when you reach a limit you will level up, you can create different levels.
    ∑ Kill Streak & Bounty ⊳ When you make a kills streak, you will have different messages, when you reach 10 kill you will be set a reward which will continue to increase if you kill and the one who kills you will get it.


    - NametagEdit
    - FastAsyncWorldEdit
    - ProtocolLib
    - WorldEdit
    - EffectLib 4.2
    - TTA-5.5
    Download this folder, here you have all the extra .jar for how UltraCTW works.

    The following jar files are installed in the "Injenctions" folder




    Video of some changes


    > /ctw join - Join to arena with name.
    > /ctw menu - Open the games menu
    > /leave - Leave the game.
    > /join - Pick a team
    > /ctw gcoins add/remove/set <player> <coins> - Handles the addition, removal and set of coins.
    > /ctw multiplier <type> <player> <amount> <time> - Create a multiplier of type with custom amount and duration.

    > /ctws setmainlobby - Set main lobby.
    > /ctws create <name> <schematic> - Create a new arena.
    > /ctws addshop - Set NPC Shop. (You need stay creating arena)
    > /ctws addkits - Set NPC Kits. (You need stay creating arena)
    > /ctw addshopitem <price> - You must have the item in your hand.
    > /ctws kits <name> - Create a new kit.
    > /ctws taunts <name> - Creating a new taunt.
    > /ctws trails <name> - Creating a new trail.
    > /ctws killsounds <name> - Creating a new killsound.
    > /ctws inventory <type> - Edit a inventory.
    > /ctws reload - Reload the plugin
    > /ctws reload lang - reload lang.yml file


    ctw.admin - It gives you access to the /ctws and administrator commands.
    ctw.teams.select - It will allow you to choose the team color, without this permission you can only enter random.
    ultractw.windances.<name> - Grants you permission to buy vip Parting with that name.
    ultractw.wineffects.<name> - Grants you permission to buy vip WinEffect with that name.
    ultractw.killeffect.<name> - Grants you permission to buy vip KillEffect with that name.
    ultractw.taunt.<name> - Grants you permission to buy vip Taunt with that name.
    ultractw.trails.<name> - Grants you permission to buy vip Trail with that name.
    ultractw.killsound.<name> - Grants you permission to buy vip KillSound with that name.

    This plugin is a fork of UltraCaptureTheWool, it is completely free and open source, I will leave the code link above.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 844
First Release: Jul 4, 2023
Last Update: Jun 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings