BetterPortals by Envel icon

BetterPortals by Envel -----

Portals you can see through

1. BetterPortals requires the latest release of ProtocolLib in order to load, so please install this as well.

3. PaperMC is recommended. I do not guarantee stable work for Spigot.

BetterPortals is a plugin which allows you to see through nether portals to look at the blocks and entities on the other side.

While the plugin was originally designed for nether portals, you can now create your own portals with a wand, and even portals that go from one server to another.

  • /bp help - Shows all commands
  • /bp reload - Reloads the plugin and its config file
  • /bp wand - Gets the wand for creating custom portals
  • /bp remove [remove destination] - Removes the nearest portal that is close to the player (if any). If remove destination is true, then any portals going to the portal that was removed will also be removed.
  • For info about other commands, see the Creating Custom Portals section on the Wiki.

  • betterportals.reload - Allows you to use /bp reload
  • betterportals.wand - Allows you to get and use the wand with /bp wand
  • - Gives you access to /bp origin/destination
  • - Gives you access to /bp link
  • betterportals.linkexternal - Gives you access to /bp linkexternal
  • betterportals.remove - Gives you access to /bp remove to remove custom portals that you created.
  • betterportals.remove.others - Allows you to remove nether portals and custom portals you didn't create.
  • betterportals.see - Allows people to see through portals (default everyone).
  • betterportals.use - Allows you to teleport through portals.
  • For more info on portal-specific permissions, see the wiki.
Tutorial on creating custom portals
Tutorial on creating cross-server portals.


  • I have been notified about a bug with the portal effect breaking in F5 mode. Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this, because F5 mode is client side.
  • If you install this on an existing world, know that you will have to relight most of your portals for them to be see-through.
  • If you are having issues with performance, I recommend using Aikar's Flags as they help to smooth out and reduce lag, and make a big difference with this plugin.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,985
First Release: Jul 3, 2023
Last Update: Nov 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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