Wanna eat bacon without killing your cute pigs? Don't worry! With Baconize, you can just cut off a slice!
Baconize allows you to shear mobs for extra drops. By default, it only lets you harvest porkchops from pigs, but you can add any item to any entity you like!
Harvest custom drops from entities by shearing them
Ageable entities can be turned into their baby form after harvesting them.
You can also use a normal cooldown instead of turning them into babies.
Babies cannot be harvested, that'd be cruel.
Shearing can hurt the mob if you like.
You can decide whether animals can die by shearing, or whether they'll keep at least 1 heart
Add as many entities as you like. For example, you can make horses drop leather when sheared.
You can set additional "fire drops" that drop instead when the animal is on fire, or when the shear is enchanted with Flame or Fire Aspect.
Custom WorldGuard flag "baconize" to prevent shearing animals in regions
Commands /baconize: Reloads the configuration (Permission: baconize.reload)
Permissions baconize.use: Allows to shear animals (default: true) baconize.reload: Allows to use /baconize to reload the config (default: op)
Add permissions for shearing (Added in 1.1.0)
Add WorldGuard flag (Added in 1.1.0)
Configurable drop chances / more than one drop per entity