UIFramework icon

UIFramework -----

Custom items and abilities framework.

This is a framework that allows developers to add custom items and abilities very easily while handling all of the annoying things for you. This is a dependency and must be installed on servers along with any custom item plugins!
Why Choose UIFramework?
Because with UIFramework you can easily add your custom items and abilities with very little code, easy to understand, and both beginner-friendly and advanced usage. Automatic item updates on inventory clicks, if you decide to change item stats, lore, abilities, etc. All custom items detailed lore will automatically update when the item is clicked in an inventory. Automatic recipe handling, with UIFramework you can add your own custom item recipes which are then easily viewable for the user, but not only that users can easily manipulate your recipes, remove them, or even add new ones for your items all within simple in-game gui's! And to top it off some fancy utilities included such as automatic color code conversion for hex and & colors which even work on craftbukkit servers (hex auto-converted to the closest vanilla color).
(Textures credit: Lordphiphi)
How to use UIFramework
General Usage:

/ui give <item> [player] [amount] - Gives the executing or specified player the item, this will have all custom items from all plugins that use UIFramework (permission: uiframework.give).
/ui enchant <enchantment> [level] - Will enchant the item in your hand with the custom enchant specified.
/ui recipes [item] - Opens the custom items recipe GUI, here you can view all custom item recipes (permission: uiframework.recipes). With the extra (permission: uiframework.modifyRecipes) the player will be able to also remove recipes, or create new recipes for custom items. You can also open this GUI by right-clicking the recipe book item which has no default recipes itself.
/ui reload - Reloads the config and any plugin that adds on to UIFramework if set up properly should reload along with this command (permission: uiframework.reload).

To use UIFramework there is very detailed documentation here that will get you setup within a few minutes. There is also a discord to ask questions about and get support here.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 329
First Release: Jun 26, 2023
Last Update: Jul 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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