⭐ Player Economy ⭐ ➢ Let your players have a balance! [1.7-1.21] icon

⭐ Player Economy ⭐ ➢ Let your players have a balance! [1.7-1.21] -----

Let your players have a balance, withdraw money, loads of commands and more.

Player Economy
A plugin by Olzie-12

THE ALL-IN-ONE Economy Plugin!

What does it do?
Player Economy grants players the ability to have a balance, withdraw money and be able to view whos got the highest balance on the server!

Player Economy uses bStats to catch data, so then I can know who uses my plugin on what versions and plugin versions. check the status of Player Economy by clicking here.

Do you need help/support, find any bugs or have a feature request?
Join our support discord using this link here.
Do not ask for support in the reviews!

  • Vault
Plugin Screenshots/Preview



Player Economy contains support for other plugins and unique features that other plugins don't contain!

Supported Plugins:
  • PlaceholderAPI
Plugin Features:
  • Withdraw/Deposit money
  • Have a balance
  • Transfer money to other players
  • Balancetop
  • Message Customization
  • Base Command Modification
  • GUI Customization

  • /eco reload - Reload all config files.
  • /eco give <player> <amount> - Give a specific amount of money to a player's balance.
  • /eco reset <player> <amount> - Reset a player's balance to a specific amount.
  • /eco set <player> <amount> - Set a player's balance to a specific amount.
  • /eco take <player> <amount> - Take a specific amount of money from a player's balance.
  • /bal [player] - Check the balance of either the specified player or your own balance.
  • /baltop [page] - Display a leaderboard of the top balances on the server.
  • /pay <player> <amount> - Transfer a specified amount of money from your balance to
  • /withdraw - Withdraw money from your balance and receive it as physical currency in your inventory.
Admin Recommended Permissions:

  • pe.admin.reload - Allows the ability to do /pe reload.
  • pe.admin.update - When a player joins tells them if there is a update or not.
  • pe.admin.give - Access to /pe give
  • pe.admin.reset - Access to /pe reset
  • pe.admin.set - Access to /pe set
  • pe.admin.take - Access to /pe take
Base Player Recommended Permissions: (pe.commands)
  • pe.balance - Access to /balance
  • pe.balancetop - Access to /balancetop
  • pe.pay - Access to /pay
  • pe.withdraw - Access to /withdraw
Miscellaneous Player Recommended Permissions:
  • pe.balance.others - Access to /balance <player>
  • %pe_player_balance% - This placeholder displays the current balance of the player.
  • %pe_player_balance_formatted% - This placeholder displays the current balance of the player in a formatted and readable way.
  • %pe_player_balancetop% - This placeholder displays the player's position in the server's economy leaderboard along with their balance. It provides a formatted representation of the player's rank and balance.
  • %pe_server_balance% - This placeholder shows the total balance of the server's economy. It provides the sum of all player balances in the server.
  • %pe_server_balances% - This placeholder displays a list of all player balances in the server's economy. It provides a formatted representation of each player's name and balance, allowing you to showcase the distribution of wealth among players.

Do you like Player Economy?
Rate us and tell others about the plugin! Thank you all for using Player Economy!

Player Economy downloads the following dependencies automatically:
These dependencies are not required for the plugin to run, but they do indeed add compatibility for many features, like MiniMessage.

Wanna support us?
You can donate here ! Donating helps us out a lot for maintaining this plugin and the insane discord support, also helps to keep our online services running for the community and for the plugin itself. All donations are appreciated :D

Tags: PlayerEconomy, Player Economy, Economy, Vault, Money, Balance, Player Balance
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,877
First Release: Jun 16, 2023
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Find more info at olziedev.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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