Features - Setting the Spawn Location - Deleting the Spawn Location - Teleporting (Yourself/Another Player) to the Spawn Location - Teleport to Spawn on Join (configurable) - Teleport to Spawn on Respawn (configurable)
Commands /elitespawn [help, info, reload] - Main plugin command /spawn [player] - Teleport yourself or the given player to the spawn location /setspawn - Set the spawn location to your current location /deletespawn - Delete the spawn location
Permissions elitespawn.teleport - Required to teleport to the spawn location elitespawn.others - Required to teleport other players to the spawn location elitespawn.set - Required to set the spawn location elitespawn.delete - Required to delete the spawn location elitespawn.admin - Administration purposes (Reload, Update Messages, etc..)
Code (YAML):
# CONFIG.YML # Whether to teleport the player to the spawn location teleport: # ...When the player joins the server onjoin: true
# ...When the player joins the server for the first time # NOTE: THE VALUE 'onjoin' NEEDS TO BE TRUE FOR THIS TO AFFECT firstjoinonly: false
# ...When the player respawns onrespawn: true
Code (YAML):
# LANGUAGE.YML Reload: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &7The configuration has been &asuccessfully &7reloaded'
No Permission: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &cYou don''t have the correct permissions
to perform this action.'
Spawn Not Set: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &cThe spawn location has not been set yet.'
Spawn Set: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &7The spawn location has been &aSuccessfully
&7set to your current location.'
Spawn Deleted: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &7The spawn location has been &aSuccessfully
Yourself: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &7You have been &aSuccessfully &7teleported
to the spawn location.'
Player: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &7You have &aSuccessfully &7teleported &a
} &7to the spawn location.'
Target: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &a
} &7teleported you to the spawn location.'
Not Online: '&e&lElite&2&lSpawn &7&l| &4
} &cis not online or does not exist.'