We believe that players need a proper way to showcase their creations, Cinematic View allows them to do so easily and efficiently.
Cinematic View lets you to enjoy your worlds and builds in an aesthetic manner, showcasing it from different aspects in the format of a customisable in-game slideshow or video.
Plugin Dependencies:
- LuckPerms
Plugin supports a full GUI to edit Views /cv open <viewname>
Show Views Create/Delete Views Add/Remove Positions Replace/Swap/Insert Positions Add Titles Set Interval Set Privacy Type Invite/Uninvite Players Supports Cinematic Videos Supports Pumpkin Heads for Resource Packs Set Follow Up Views Add NPCs to original locations Play a sound at the start of the View Smoothed Views Option
Force Players to see Views Force permission groups to see Views Reload Command
/cinematicview /cv
Help commands Use '/cv help' for list of commands
The Plugin supports Tab Completion to make it easier for users
# Please ensure that these settings have the correct type #
# If an integer is needed, make sure the setting has an #
# integer, same is needed for (true/false) #
# Will players have a maximum amount of views (true/false)
maximum-views: true
# If players have a maximum amount of views, what is the maximum amount (integer)
maximum-views-amount: 5
# Default interval between Locations for when a View is created (seconds)
default-interval: 6
# Will views have a maximum amount of locations (true/false)
maximum-locations: true
# If views have a maximum amount of locations, what is the maximum amount (integer)
maximum-locations-amount: 10
# Is permissions enabled (true/false)
# If set to false, players will be able to create and modify their Views by default. OP is then needed for admin commands or the permission 'cinematicview.admin'
# If set to true, players will need to be given permissions manually with a separate Permissions Plugin. Permission example: 'cinematicview.basic'
permissions: true
# If set to true, player will be unable to rotate (look around) when showing a view (true/false)
lock-rotation: true
# Maximum value for view interval possible (integer)
maximum-view-interval: 20
# Add a pumpkin head when showing a view (true/false)
pumpkin-head: false
# When forcing all players to show a view, who should be excluded (string):
# Options:
# - none
# - admins
# - user
all-exclude: none
# Should messages be displayed when showing a view (true/false)
show-view-message: false[/LEFT]
# Which move function you would like to use when showing a cinematic.
# Options:
# - original
# - smooth
# Please be aware that the 'smooth' option is not perfect yet. At low cinematic intervals
# it can cause players to be kicked and also spam the console with 'Moved too quickly'
# The moved to quickly can be adjusted through server settings.
# There is also protection against players being kicked as they will be teleported back and put
# into the correct gamemode if they are kicked
move-function: original
# Add an NPC at player's original location when showing a cinematic
show-npc: false
The Tutorial Video will be redone soon. There are planned updates for future versions. Any bugs can be reported in the discord as well in the comments. If an earlier Minecraft Version for the plugin might be required, it could be arranged in the discord.