A simple plugin to add command-based support for the new 1.19.4 Block and Item Displays
- A simple command interface to interact with Block and Item Displays
- This plugin has one dependency:
- The base command is
xdisplay (alias
xd) with permission
- Subcommands require permissions of the format
xdisplay.admin.name where name is the name of the subcommand
/xd help Opens the help menu
/xd brightness <all|block|sky> <amount> Change the brightness of your selected display
/xd clone Clone your selected display
/xd create <type> [material] Create a new display
/xd delete Delete your selected display
/xd glow [range] [seconds] Make nearby displays glow
/xd item <get|set> Get or set the item of an item display
/xd material <material> Change your selected display's material
/xd move <x> <y> <z> Move this display (accepts
~ in the x/y/z arguments like teleport commands)
/xd reset [arg] Reset properties of the display
/xd rotate <x> <y> <z> Rotate this display by adding degrees to each axis (using the left internal rotation)
/xd select [range] Select the closest display to you
/xd setInterpolationDelay <ticks> Change the interpolation delay
/xd setInterpolationDuration <ticks> Change the interpolation duration
/xd setTeleportDuration <ticks> Change the teleportation ticks (0-59)
/xd size [size] Change or view display size
/xd tph <copyRotation> Teleport display to you (if copyRotation=true then it will copy your pitch and yaw)
/xd transform <x,y,z> <x,y,z> <x,y,z> <x,y,z> Transform the display
Rotation Tutorial
- Generally, you will want to rotate the display on one axis at a time
- For example,
/xd rotate 90 0 0 would do a 1/4 rotation on the x-axis
- Block displays rotate along their corner. They will change location when rotating!
- Item displays rotate along their center. Their location will not change when rotating!
- The default size of all displays is
- To match the size of a block use
- To match the size of an item use
- This plugin has no support for Text Displays. You should use a hologram plugin for it
- This plugin has no support for Interaction entities
- Check out the
Spigot API for more information about the new Display entity