For example, if you want someone to have access to a panel
(Pterodactyl, Crafty Controllrt, etc.) but not have access to console inputs, you can use this plugin to solve the problem. You can
specify a password in the config and then only pass it on to people who are allowed to unlock the console.
With the password you unlock the console and with "
consolelock on" you lock it again.
If you forget to do this, it will automatically lock itself 5 minutes after unlocking.
With /consolelock on/off you can also lock/unlock the console ingame.
Messages, password, automatically lock time, and permission can be set individually in the config.
Hexcolor supported.
Code (YAML):
############################################################################################################# * +CoLo # * +CoLo # * . +CoLo # * -. :. + +CoLo # * .--: .+=:+: +CoLo # * .::::--: .*+++ +CoLo # * .::-=+-. .+=#%#%- . +CoLo # * .:--==-:. .*@@@@@@@%# +CoLo # * ....::--==###+=+#%@@@@@@@@+ +CoLo # * ..::::-:-=*#@%%%##%@@@@+ +CoLo # * .:-----===+#%@@@%##@@@%::::::--:. +CoLo # * .-+++++*#%@@@%%%####+-==+*##***. +CoLo # * -+*****#%#%@%%%%%#****####%@%%#*-. +CoLo # * :==##****#%@%%%#**---=-+=*%@#*++=:-= C O N F I G . Y M L +CoLo # * -####%%%@@%=+=+++===+*+=. +CoLo # * :: +@@@@@%%-:=#**##%%- +CoLo # * #%@@@%#%##%%%%%@#: +CoLo # * +%%%#*=#@@*%@*.. +CoLo # * :++%%%#####*:::. +CoLo # * -+===*#@@%@%+. +CoLo # * .+#::+#%@@@@* +CoLo # * .+%*=+%@@@@@%= +CoLo # * =%#%@@#%@#%%%=. +CoLo # * -%@@@#%%*+%%=. +CoLo # * :%#=:*+- #%=. +CoLo # * -*= .=. .#* . +CoLo # * : +CoLo # * +CoLo # * ####################################################################################################### * +CoLo # * * +CoLo # * All messages with Hex Color Support: (required &#) * +CoLo # * * +CoLo # * ####################################################################################################### * +CoLo prefix: '&
#fb08dbC&#f821cdo&#f539ben&#f352b0s&#f06aa2o&#ed8394l&#ea9b85e&#e7b477L&#e5cc69o&#e2e55ac&#dffd4ck' permission: 'console.lock'
password: 'Rhavenside'
no Permission: '
%prefix% &cYou don''t have Permission to do that' close Console timer: 300
time is up: '&4Your''e time is up. Console closed'
console IS locked: '
%prefix% &cConsole is locked!' console locked: '
%prefix% &cConsole locked' console IS unlocked: '
%prefix% &aConsole is unlocked' console unlocked: '
%prefix% &aConsole unlocked' console:
console IS locked: '&cConsole is locked!'
console locked: '&cConsole locked'
console IS unlocked: '&aConsole is unlocked'
console unlocked: '&aConsole unlocked'