# For support: https://discord.gg/3k4MbQ3KNv # Premium plugin (Support me): https://builtbybit.com/resources/sethome-gui.51982 # If you liked the plugin, I would greatly appreciate a review on the Spigot page :)
# Customize the menu. menu:
open-command: /home
gui-title: "&9&lHome Menu &8⌂" glass-pane-color: "GRAY" center-glass-color: "LIGHT_BLUE" info-title: "&8❮❮❮ &7Set Home &8| &7Go Home &8❯❯❯" set-home-item:
material: RED_BED
display-name: "&7➤ &3&lSet Home" lore: -
"&7With this item you can" -
"&7set your home and save it" -
"&7with a name." -
"" -
"&a(Left-Click to set home)" your-homes-item:
material: OAK_DOOR
display-name: "&7➤ &e&lYour homes" lore: -
"&7With this object you can" -
"&7open the menu of your homes" -
"&7and manage all your homes." -
"" -
"&a(Left-Click to open menu)" homes-menu:
gui-title: "&9&lYour Homes Menu &8⌂" go-back-item: "&cGo Back" close-item: "&4Close" home-item:
display-name: "&7&lHOME &8» &b%home%" #You can use %home% and %world% on lore. lore: -
"&c(Right-Click to delete)" -
"&a(Left-Click to teleport)" no-homes-item:
display-name: "&cYou don't have homes" lore: -
"&7Create a home with /home" confirmation-menu:
gui-title: "&cConfirm Deletion" confirm-item:
display-name: "&aConfirm" cancel-item:
display-name: "&cCancel"
# Customize the messages. messages:
home-established: "&aYour home has been established!" not-established-home: "&cYou don't have an established home." teleported: "&aYou have traveled home: &7%home%" home-not-found: "&4Error: Home coordinates not found." home-removed: "&cYour home &b%home% &chas been removed." home-limit-reached: "&cYou have reached the maximum number of homes allowed (%limit%)." home-exists: "&4A home with that name already exists. Please choose a different name." enter-home-name: "&eEnter the name for your home in the chat. Type &7cancel &eif you want to cancel." home-cancelled: "&cYou have canceled the creation of the home." no-reload-permissions: "&cYou don't have permission to reload the plugin!" plugin-reloaded: "&aPlugin reloaded successfully!" teleport-cooldown: "&aYou are being teleported in &7%seconds% &aseconds. Don't move." teleport-in-progress: "&cYou already have a teleport in progress. Wait to make a new one." teleport-cancelled: "&cYour teleport has been canceled because you have moved." world-not-found: "&cThe world to travel to has not been found." error-blacklisted-world: "&cYou cannot establish a home in this world."
# You should only set a single title to true. # They can only be activated if the cooldown is greater than 0 titles:
enable: true
teleport-title: "&aTeleporting..." teleport-subtitle: "&eTeleporting in %seconds% seconds..." static-title:
enable: false
teleport-title: "&aTeleporting..." teleport-subtitle: "&eTeleporting in %seconds% seconds..." blacklisted-worlds: - world_nether
- world_the_end
teleport-cooldown: 5
cancel-on-move: true
default-max-homes: 3