AutoUpdateGeyser is a plugin for Spigot, Bungeecord and Velocity that automates the updating of Geyser and Floodgate.
NOTE: IF UPDATING TO v3.0+ regenerate config.yml and delete geyser and floodgate before updating
- Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.8 and higher for both bungeecord, velocity and spigot.
- Automatically update checks and updates to latest builds of Geyser and Floodgate from website at specific intervals.
- Config.yml that allows you to specify the interval and what to update.
- /updategeyser command: Force update checker for geyser and floodgate! (autoupdategeyser.admin permission!)
Planned Features
- If you have any suggestions or feature requests, please create a new issue in the project's GitHub repository.
To install AutoUpdateGeyser, users need to download the latest release from the releases page and copy the downloaded .jar file to the plugins directory of their Minecraft server/proxy. It's important to note that Geyser or Floodgate must **
NOT** already be installed, as AutoUpdateGeyser will automatically install them. After installation, AutoUpdateGeyser will update automatically based on config.yml.
Code (YAML):
# Update settings for Geyser and Floodgate
# geyser: default = true # set to true to enable Geyser updates, false to disable
# floodgate: default = true # set to true to enable Floodgate updates, false to disable
# interval: default = 60 # update checker interval in minutes
# bootTime: default = 5 # Number of seconds the plugin should wait after the server is fully done loading to start its update checking process. If set too low could cause errors
# autoRestart: default = false # Should the plugin auto restart the server/proxy everytime a new update is installed (with a delay of 10 seconds)? NOT RECOMMENDED as players might not be aware.
: true
# Set to true to enable Geyser updates, false to disable
: true
# Set to true to enable Floodgate updates, false to disable
: 60
# Update checker interval in minutes
: 5
# Number of seconds the plugin should wait after the server is fully done loading to start its update checking process. If set too low could cause errors
: false
# Should the plugin auto restart the server/proxy everytime a new update is installed (with a delay of conmfigured seconds)?
# Note it executes the "restart" command on spigot and "end" command on bungeecord and its assumed you have a built-in feature/script to restart server/proxy everytime its shutdown
: 60
# Restart delay in seconds
"Server is restarting shortly!"
# Message to send intially when restart is scheduled for the delay
Plugin Stats