Some people maybe want to modify the recipe of Slimefun items, but can't find those plugins supports 1.13+. So I write this and it's free for everyone!
·Modify the recipe of Slimefun items, including RecipeType(i.e. in which machine to craft)
·Support GUI for all operations
(1) All the change about recipes CANNOT work before you restart the server, although the recipe seemingly change in slime book.
(2) Because of slimefun mechanics, these RecipeType cannot be used currently: MultiBlock,Mob Drop,Interact.
(3) If you choose "ancient_altar", please make sure the recipe has NO empty slot, or this recipe will be invalid.
/sfr reload ------------------------------------- reload the config(permission: slimefunrecipe.admin)
/sfr add [size] [id] (file_name) --------- add a slimefun item recipe (permission: slimefunrecipe.admin)
/sfr edit ----------------------------------------- modify the recipe of slimefun item (permission: slimefunrecipe.admin)
/sfr edit [size] --------------------------------- modify the recipe of slimefun item with specified size(permission: slimefunrecipe.admin)
/sfr view [file_name] [id] ----------------- view item recipe (permission: slimefunrecipe.view)
slimefunrecipe.admin(default: op owns)
I would appreciate it if you could rate it or send a friendly review!
My Email:[email protected]