Welcome to the very best and last homes plugin you'll ever need!
This homes plugin is a very highly optimised and recourse efficient plugin that makes use of the very lates features that the most modern API's offer!
EpicHomes features include a FULL integrated GUI to teleport and manage homes. The plugin also features FULLY optimised Asynchronous teleporting!
This homes plugin also features complete and full native support to make use of PaperMC's new
Folia project! That means that as soon as Folia is ready, you'll have a homes plugin to use right away without waiting!
EpicHomes also has full
PlaceholderAPI support, that allows you to very easily access the internal storage of the plugin to display into others, such as HolographicDisplays.
As another massive bonus, EpicHomes also features the ability for any server owner/admin to import homes data from other common and popular homes plugins such as
StormerHomes &
EssentialsX. This importing is also handled Asynchronously so it makes sure that your server's performance is not impacted during the import!
Want to try out the very latest dev builds?
[Click here] Use the above dev build at your own risk! Please follow any and ALL instructions provided with EACH dev build released!
#Changing anything below MAY require a server restart to take effect!
#Homes config options. homes: #Set the default maximum amount of homes a player can have. [Default value: 3] ##ANY OP PLAYER BYPASS ALL LIMITS!## #To bypass all limits grant permission `epichomes.maxhomes.*` default-max-homes: 3
#To allow the use of a tiered permission system for home sizes instead of the global amount, use the system below. permission-based-homes-max-amount: #Enable the tiered system use. [Default value: false] enabled: false
#To set the max amount of homes for each permission group, use the system below. #The permission group must be in the format of 'epichomes.maxhomes.groupX' where X is the group number. #The permission group must be given to the player in order for the max amount to take effect. #The highest priority group should be at the top of the list. permission-group-list:
- group: "epichomes.maxhomes.group6" maxAmount: 24
- group: "epichomes.maxhomes.group5" maxAmount: 20
- group: "epichomes.maxhomes.group4" maxAmount: 16
- group: "epichomes.maxhomes.group3" maxAmount: 12
- group: "epichomes.maxhomes.group2" maxAmount: 8
- group: "epichomes.maxhomes.group1" maxAmount: 4
#Set below names that are not allowed to be used in home names. [They ARE case & syntax sensitive] disallowed-home-names: -
"Gamers" -
"Rise" -
"Up" teleportation:
delay-before-teleport: #Do you want to have a delay before teleporting the player to their home? [Default value: true] enabled: true
#How long do you want the countdown delay to be? (In seconds) [Default value: 5] time: 5
#Do you want the server to constantly check if the player moves when they have requested a home teleport? ##WARNING - THIS ENABLES ADDITIONAL MOVEMENT EVENT CHECKS THAT MAY CAUSE INCREASED LOAD ON YOUR SERVER## ##IF YOU EXPERIENCE PERFORMANCE ISSUES TRY SETTING BELOW TO 'FALSE'## #[Default value: true] cancel-teleport-on-move: true
#This section is for any general plugin config options. general:
command-cool-down: #Do you want to have a cool-down for ALL the plugins commands? [Default value: false] #THIS ALSO APPLIES TO THE GUI OPENING COMMANDS!# enabled: false
#How long (In seconds) do you want the cool-down to be between command usages? [Default value: 60] cool-down-time: 60
developer-debug-mode: #Do you want to see a lot of debug messages in console when most actions are performed? [Default value: false] enabled: false
home-data-importer: #Do you want to import and convert the home data from another supported plugin? [Default value: false] enabled: false
#Do you want to import home and player data from another homes' plugin? #To import, set below to one of the supported options listed then restart the server. ##ENSURE THAT BOTH EPICHOMES AND YOUR OLD HOMES PLUGIN ARE BOTH ENABLED BEFORE PROCEEDING!## #Next, run the command `/importhomes` either in game or from the console. (Permission: 'epichomes.command.import') #If no errors are reported the import process should be completed then you are safe to remove or disable the previous homes' plugin. #current-supported-plugins: #- StormerHomes #- StormerHomesReloaded #- EssentialsX import-from: EssentialsX
show-auto-save-task-message: #Do you want to see notifications in console when the auto-save task runs? [Default value: true] enabled: true
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# gui-system:
use-global-gui: #Do you want to use the gui system to allow players to view and select their homes? [Default value: true] enabled: true
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------# home-list-gui: #What title do you want the GUI to have? [Default value: &d&nYour Homes:] title: "&d&nYour Homes:" icons: #What material do you want the home item to be represented by? [Default value: RED_BED] #Use Bukkit material names only! (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html) home-material: RED_BED
#What name do you want the home item to be? [Default value: &6%HOME%] display-name: "&6%HOME%" #Below is the lore for the home item. If you don't want to show the player the home location values, simply #remove the lines below that contain the values inside the '%%' symbols. lore: -
"&3<============>" - "&6Home Word: &a%LOCATION-WORLD%" - "&6Home X: &a%LOCATION-X%" - "&6Home Y: &a%LOCATION-Y%" - "&6Home Z: &a%LOCATION-Z%" -
"&3<============>" -
"&e&oLeft click me to travel here" -
"&7------------" -
"&c&oRight click me to delete this home" -
"&3<============>" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# delete-list-gui: #What title do you want the GUI to have? [Default value: &d&nYour Homes:] title: "&d&nSelect Home To Delete" icons: #What material do you want the home item to be represented by? [Default value: RED_BED] #Use Bukkit material names only! (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html) home-material: RED_BED
#What name do you want the home item to be? [Default value: &6%HOME%] display-name: "&6%HOME%" #Below is the lore for the home item. If you don't want to show the player the home location values, simply #remove the lines below that contain the values inside the '%%' symbols. lore: -
"&3<============>" - "&6Home Word: &a%LOCATION-WORLD%" - "&6Home X: &a%LOCATION-X%" - "&6Home Y: &a%LOCATION-Y%" - "&6Home Z: &a%LOCATION-Z%" -
"&3<============>" -
"&e&oLeft click me to delete this home" -
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------# delete-single-home-gui: #What title do you want the GUI to have? [Default value: &d&nDelete %HOME%] title: "&d&nDelete %HOME%" icons:
home-info: #What material do you want the home item to be represented by? [Default value: RED_BED] #Use Bukkit material names only! (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html) home-material: RED_BED
#What name do you want the home item to be? [Default value: &6%HOME%] display-name: "&6%HOME%" #Below is the lore for the home item. If you don't want to show the player the home location values, simply #remove the lines below that contain the values inside the '%%' symbols. lore: -
"&3<============>" - "&6Home Word: &a%LOCATION-WORLD%" - "&6Home X: &a%LOCATION-X%" - "&6Home Y: &a%LOCATION-Y%" - "&6Home Z: &a%LOCATION-Z%" -
"&3<============>" confirm-delete: #What material do you want the confirmation delete item to be represented by? [Default value: TNT] #Use Bukkit material names only! (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html) material: TNT
#What name do you want the confirmation delete item to be? [Default value: &cConfirm] display-name: "&cConfirm" #Below is the lore for the confirmation delete item. lore: -
"&3<============>" -
"&c&lThis action CANNOT be undone!" -
"&3<============>" -
"&e&oLeft click me to delete this home" -
"&3<============>" cancel-delete: #What material do you want the cancel delete item to be represented by? [Default value: BARRIER] #Use Bukkit material names only! (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html) material: BARRIER
#What name do you want the cancel delete item to be? [Default value: &aCancel] display-name: "&aCancel" #Below is the lore for the cancel delete item. lore: -
"&3<============>" -
"&a&lCancel and close this GUI" -
"&3<============>" -
"&e&oLeft click me to cancel" -
"&3<============>" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #Menu controls options menu-controls: #The name of the previous page icon previous-page-icon-name: "&2Previous Page" #The name of the next page icon next-page-icon-name: "&2Next Page" #The name of the close/go back icon close-go-back-icon-name: "&4Close/Go Back"
#EpicHomes update system plugin-update-notifications: #Do you want to enable in game plugin update notifications? (Permission:'epichomes.update'). [Default value: true] enabled: true
#Changing anything below MAY require a server restart to take effect!
#Plugin global prefix global-prefix: "&f[&6Epic&bHomes&f]&r"
#Home teleportation timed-teleporting-begin-tp: "&aTeleporting to home &e%HOME%&a...\n&aPlease stay still!" timed-teleporting-complete: "&aSuccessfully arrived at &e%HOME%&a." timed-teleport-failed-player-moved: "&cYou moved before you were teleported to your home! The teleport was cancelled." timed-teleport-failed-plugin-reloaded: "&cA server operator reloaded the plugin so your teleport was canceled.\n&cPlease try again." non-timed-teleporting-complete: "&aSuccessfully arrived at &e%HOME%&a."
#Home set home-set-successfully: "&aSuccessfully set home &e%HOME% &aat your current location." home-set-failed-home-exists: "&e%HOME% &calready exists!" home-set-failed-max-homes-reached: "&cSorry, you have reached the max allowed homes." home-set-failed-max-tiered-reached: "&cSorry, you have reached the total homes your tier can set!\n&cYou can set a total of &e%LIMIT% &chomes." home-set-failed-invalid-name: "&cSorry, your home cannot contain colours or the following characters: &d." home-set-failed-name-not-allowed: "&cSorry, that home name is not allowed. Please choose another!"
#Home delete home-delete-successful: "&aSuccessfully deleted &e%HOME%&a." homeadmin-delete-successful: "&aSuccessfully deleted &e%TARGET%'s %HOME%&a." home-delete-failed: "&cFailed to delete &e%HOME%&c!\n&cCheck console for errors!" homeadmin-delete-failed: "&cFailed to delete &e%TARGET%'s %HOME%&c!\n&cCheck console for errors!"
#General messages no-permission: "&cSorry, you don't have permission to do that." incorrect-command-usage: "&cSorry, that is a player only command." homeadmin-unable-to-find-player: "&cUnable to find an offline player by the name of &e%TARGET%&c!" homeadmin-unable-to-find-user: "&cUnable to find a user for &e%TARGET%&c!" home-name-does-not-exist: "&cSorry, you do not appear to have a home called &e%HOME%&c!" command-cool-down-time-left: "&cSorry, you still have &e%TIMELEFT% &cseconds until you can use that command again." usermap-file-save-failure: "&cInvalid home world name entry found for player &e%PLAYER%&c! &aSkipping current entry!" plugin-reload-broadcast-start: "&aThe plugin is being reloaded, please do not use any Homes commands until completed!" auto-save-started: "&aAuto save task has started." auto-save-complete: "&aSaved usermap data to disk!" auto-save-failed: "&4Failed to save usermap.yml to disk!" plugin-reload-start: "&aStarting reload process..." plugin-reload-complete: "&aPlugin reload process complete!" move-event-cancel-failed: "&4Unable to cancel teleport on move!\n&4See below for reason!"
#Home data importer home-data-import-successful: "&aAll available home and player data successfully imported from &e%PLUGIN%&a!" home-data-import-failed: "&4Failed to import home or player data from &e%PLUGIN%&a!\n&4Please check console for errors!" home-data-import-failed-already-run: "&cData has already been successfully imported!" home-data-import-disabled: "&cThe importer system is disabled in the config.yml!\n&cPlease contact a system admin if you believe this is in error!"
#Home List GUI GUI-first-page: "&7You are on the first page." GUI-last-page: "&7You are on the last page."
#Update Notification update-check-failure: "&4Unable to check for updates! - &c" update-available:
1: "&4*-------------------------------------------*" 2: "&cA new version is available!" 3: "&4*-------------------------------------------*" no-update-available:
1: "&a*-------------------------------------------*" 2: "&aPlugin is up to date!" 3: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
By downloading and using EpicHomes you agree to the following Terms of Service:
CraptiCraft Development
CraptiCraft License Agreement is a legal agreement between Loving11ish's team and yourself for the use of any CraptiCraft developed plugins or software. By downloading, installing, or using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
* 1. Grant of License
The Licensor grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to install and use the Software for personal, non-commercial use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
* 2. Ownership
The Software is licensed, not sold. The Licensor retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the Software, including all intellectual property rights therein.
* 3. Permitted Use
The User may use the Software in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
The User may make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes.
* 4. Restrictions
The User shall not:
> * Modify, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software.
> * Distribute, sell, rent, lease, or sublicense the Software to third parties.
> * Remove or alter any proprietary notices or labels on the Software.
> * Use the Software for any unlawful purpose or in violation of any applicable law or regulation.
* 5. Updates and Support
The Licensor may, at its sole discretion, provide updates or support for the Software. Any updates provided by the Licensor shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement.
* 6. Termination
This Agreement is effective until terminated. The Licensor may terminate this Agreement at any time if the User fails to comply with any term of this Agreement. Upon termination, the User must cease all use of the Software and destroy all copies in their possession.
* 7. Disclaimer of Warranties
The Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The Licensor does not warrant that the Software will meet the User's requirements or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free.
* 8. Limitation of Liability
In no event shall the Licensor be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
* 9. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of British GDPR, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
* 10. Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Software/plugins and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter.
* 11. Severability
If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
* 12. Amendments
The Licensor reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time. Any amendments to this Agreement will be effective upon posting the updated Agreement on the Licensor's website or through the Software itself.
* 13. Acceptance
By downloading, installing, or using the Software/plugins, the User acknowledges that they have read and understood this Agreement and agree to be bound by its terms.
* 14. Unlawful Use
Any and all unlawful use of the software is prohibited. this is for recreational purposes only. any and all liability is assumed by the customer/user the company CraptiCraft development and Mark Phillip Loving are not liable for any unlawful use of this software.