FarmRegion is a Spigot plugin that simplifies crop farming by allowing administrators to easily create and manage automatic farming regions.
FarmRegion makes farming easier and more efficient while enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of constructions.
➥ Fully customizable
With FarmRegion, players can set the age of the crops to harvest, the block to break and replant, the block after replanting, and the items to drop on break.
Additionally, players can set the time to replant, the guardian skin, and particle effects, making their farms both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
➥ Bug free
At FarmRegion, we prioritize ensuring that our automatic farming regions and guardians are bug-free, so you can focus on efficient and beautiful farming.
➥ No limits
FarmRegion has no limit on the number of regions you can create, and our efficient programming ensures that the plugin produces no lag. Each block is programmed separately, so tasks start and finish only when necessary, optimizing your server's performance.
➥ WorldGuard support
FarmRegion does not depend of WorldGuard to work, you can setup regions inside worldguard regions where break-block flag is set to deny. If you want to disable the "You can't break that block here" message, you can use "/rg flag region deny-message -e"
➜ /fr tool [fr.admin]
Obtain a tool to select two points and define the area for the region.
➜ /fr addRegion(region type) (WG region or Disable) [fr.admin]
Create a default automatic region that can be customized further using the configuration settings in FarmRegion.
You need to select two points using the tool in order to create a region.
➜ /fr reload [fr.admin]
Reload the configuration, then remove and re-create the regions and guardians using the reloaded configuration.
Growth animation:
Showcase made by ServerMiner: (A bit outdated)
Showcase made by Bronzworld: (Russian)
Code (YAML):
worldguard: false
replant_animation_delay: 2
#In ticks, 0 to disable replant_effect:
enable: true
# guardian_effect:
enable: true
count: 1
break_block: #the block which players should break material: CARROTS
age: 7
while_replant_block: #the block while the block is replanting material: CARROTS
age: 0
replant_block: #the block to replant material: CARROTS
age: 6
enable: true
#the guardian head skin (copy "value" from [URL='']Custom heads ([/URL]) head-value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmE2OWMzZTE3ZmRlMjk4ODdhMzkzYzhkMmY0YmIwNTQ0YzFjNTc2ZGIwOTI1YmIwYWMxNGFjZmZhMzEyMmE2NSJ9fX0=
#the points of the region point1:
==: org.bukkit.Location
world: world
x: 51.0
y: 64.0
z: -223.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
==: org.bukkit.Location
world: world
x: 59.0
y: 65.0
z: -217.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
time: 60-120
#the min and max time to wait for replanting #items to give when breaking the break block items:
material: CARROT
amount: 1
If you have downloaded and used the plugin on your server, please leave a review!