AnvilColors allows you to use color codes, formatting codes, and hex colors when renaming items on an anvil.
You can also set a custom level cost for using color codes.
Optionally require permissions to use colors (see below)
Supports hex colors (using the format #123456)
Ability to remove the default italics in renamed items
Option to set a custom level cost for using colors
Works on all versions from 1.11 to latest
Permissions By default, no permissions are needed. If you want to only allow certain colors, or only allow it for some players, you can set "require-permissions" to true in your config.yml.
anvilcolors.color.<colorcode> Allows to use the specific color code. Example: anvilcolors.color.a (for green color)
anvilcolors.color.hex Allows to use hex colors (using the format #123456)
anvilcolors.color.* Allows to use all colors, including hex colors
anvilcolors.format.<formattingcode> Allows to use the specific formatting code. Example: anvilcolors.format.n (for underlined text) Example: anvilcolors.format.r (to reset color and formatting)
anvilcolors.format.* Allows to use all formatting codes
anvilcolors.reload Allows to reload the config using /anvilcolors. This permission is required to use the command, even when "require-permissions" is set to false.
Note for oraxen users If you use oraxen, you have to disable anvil formatting in oraxen's settings.yml, I think it's at formatting -> anvil (set this to false).