Ascecia-Currencies | Multi-Currency Economy Plugin
AsceciaCurrencies is a plugin that allows players to make their own local currencies and economies.
A multilungual plugin
- You can chose between english, spanish and french for the language of the plugin ( english default ) just go in the languageconfig.yml and set language to en-us, es-ES or fr-FR
Create your own currencies !
- Instead of exchanging stuff with gold, iron or with dollars, create your own currency and use it to trade instead !
Manage your currency
- With currencies you have a certain level of control over how much money is circulating as you are the manager of your currency. You can also choose who is able to mint some of your currency !
- To keep the power of your currency up you need to deposit ores for your currency. You can get your ores back by withdrawing them.
- Don't want your currency anymore ? just delete it ! You will get the value of it back in materials ( Depending on what you put in your config file )
Exchange Currencies easily with others !
- You can pay other players with a currency ! This can create dynamic and diverse local and global economies in your Minecraft server !
- In addition to that the more your currency is exchanged the higher its power is going to be. Although it can be a double edge sword, as if you mint too much currency the value is going to plummet and if people withdraw their amounts of your currency to quickly the same thing is going to happen. So be careful !
- You can even convert your currency with another by giving a certain amount of currency to another player who has the currency your looking to convert to !
See all the other currencies and their stats !
- You can indeed see information about a currency or even look at a list of all currencies in your server !
Create your own team for your currency
- You can give people permission to mint, rename and/or deposit ores to your currency
Highly customizable
- This plugin allows you to fiddle with its configuration files even letting you set items' values with a command !
Develop your own extension and plugins based on this one using the CurrenciesAPI !
- For more information click here !
A Customizable Plugin
You have the ability to modify the default values of different ores in the config. You can add your own language by modifying the language config file. You can also modify each and every currency in the currencies config file. You can also modify each and every player's wallet ( amount of each currency that they have ). You can also modify the rate of decrease of power due to economic inactivity in the config.
- The Plugin also comes with an API which makes it easy to base your plugins on this one ( ex: a shop or auction plugin ).
and allows you to tinker with player's wallet, currencies' stats, ore values, and more !
for more information click here
- For commands click here
- For Permissions click here
Feedback, reviews, Questions ?
Thanks for using Ascecia-Currencies !