The game is played as follows: You begin at a track and aim to guide your ball into the hole using the fewest strokes possible. The ball travels in the direction you're facing and moves at the speed you've set.
Features: The plugin is highly configurable, allowing you to customize nearly every aspect. Some notable features of this game mode include:
Design Your Own Tracks: Unleash your creativity by designing personalized tracks.
Music Integration: Enhance the gaming experience by adding music through NBS files.
Per-server/Multi-arena: Set one game per server (BungeeCord) or multiple games per server.
MySql Support: Keep track of win streaks with efficient MySql integration.
PlaceholderAPI Support: Enjoy compatibility with PlaceholderAPI for streamlined integration.
Custom Models: Immerse players with support for custom models.
1. Get the plugin and put it in the plugins folder. Start the server and let the plugin generate the folders. 2. Feel free to modify any settings in the configuration file as you see fit. Afterward, restart the server, and you'll be able to join with your new changes. 3. For both the multi-games per server and single game on the server mode, you'll want to create at least one game. You can do so with the "/gp create [game_name]" command. 4. Set up the game. Your inventory will now have tools.
4.1. First, set the lobby location (waiting location before the game starts) using the blue terracotta. 4.2. Next, go to your track and set the start and end positions with the stone and iron swords by pressing on the blocks. 4.3. Next, you'll want to set the collider locations, which you set with a gold sword. Colliders are boxes that are used to define an edge for the track. They can be straight or diagonal. You set them by starting in one corner and then selecting the other corner. In the chat, you'll see two messages: "Location 1 set" and then "Placed!" (If this is confusing, I suggest watching a video.) 4.4. Then you have two more tools for visual additions. The diamond sword is for making the edge, and you place it the same way as colliders. The goal display is to make the hole for the end smaller looking; you set it just by clicking on the hole. 4.5. When you're done with one track, you can click on the yellow terracotta to start setting up the new track. If you keep clicking on the yellow block, you'll loop around the tracks. 4.6. When you're done, save the game by clicking the green terracotta.
5. Enjoy!
If you need to remove colliders right click on the collider setter to open colliders remove menu.
When setting up the game for older verions you will have to replace all the sounds and materials in config!
Setup videos:
Game play:
Adding your own music: For music, you'll need to download an additional plugin [NoteBlockAPI] Restart the server and you'll get a folder in GolfParty called music, where you drop in the NBS files. You'll need a Note Block Studio. If you want to see where to get those files you can watch this video:
When you have a song in Note Block Studio just export it as NBS.
Commands: /gp join - Join the best game. /gp join [name] - Join the game. /gp leave - Leave game. /gp create [game_name] - Create a new game. /gp edit [game_name] - Edit a game. /gp remove tool - Gets you a remove display tool. /gp reset - Resets the ball to the last location. /gp set floor [material] - Sets floor material. /gp set edge [material] - Sets edge material.
Permissions: Permissions for balls follow this pattern: This is permission for material BLACK_CONCRETE -> GolfParty.ball.BLACK_CONCRETE This is permission for material PURPLE_CONCRETE -> GolfParty.ball.PURPLE_CONCRETE
PlaceholderAPI: Player stats:
Game stats:
Top stats:
Structure of top placeholders: %golfparty_top_games-played_1_name%
golfparty_top_ - is always the same. games-played_ - can be (games-played, win-streak, wins or score) - represents top 10 category. 1_ - is a placement number which can be from 1 .. 10. name - this part can be (uuid, name, games-played, win-streak, wins, score or placement) - data of the player in this placement of the top 10 category. Examples:
Code (YAML):
enabled: true
use_local_file: true
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: database
username: username
password: password
tablename: GolfPartyData
# Top 10 update rate (in seconds, 0 = disable) top_10_update_rate: 300
# Ball materials # # Here are default ball blocks which will be used in the game. # # The layout of the config is as follows: # MATERIAL_NAME: # color: COLOR_WHICH_THE_BLOCK_REPRESENTS_IN_HEX # name: COLOR_DISPLAY_NAME # custom_model_data: NUMBER_CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA # # For older versions you can add data number to change the variant. # MATERIAL_NAME-4: # color: COLOR_WHICH_THE_BLOCK_REPRESENTS_IN_HEX # name: COLOR_DISPLAY_NAME # custom_model_data: NUMBER_CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA # # If you want a player head use this format: # SPECIAL_NAME: # texture: HEAD_TEXTURE # name: COLOR_DISPLAY_NAME # balls:
color: 8c2020
name: red
color: de6101
name: orange
color: eead15
name: yellow
color: 5ca618
name: lime
color: 485a23
name: green
color: 167687
name: cyan
color: 2287c4
name: blue
color: 2b2d8d
name: blue
color: 631f9a
name: purple
color: a72f9d
name: magenta
color: d3658e
name: pink
color: ccd2d3
name: white
color: 7b7b71
name: light gray
color: 35383c
name: gray
color: 090b10
name: black
color: 5f3a1f
name: brown
name: "<color><name> ball" lore: -
"Click to putt in the" -
"direction you're looking." hand: # When set to false it will use ball items instead of this item. use_specific_item: false
material: IRON_HOE
# Materials for display # not_reset_blocks are surfaces where the ball won't be reset if it lands on them. # for this you don't have to specify the exact block you can just add a part of the material. materials:
not_reset_blocks: - HARD_CLAY
# Auto leave on teleport. on_teleport_from_world_leave_game: false
# Commands # you can use <player> when not using player mode ( give <player> gold ). # as well as <uuid> # format for permission commands: # '[PERMISSION]Some.MyPermissionNode <command>' # '[PERMISSION] give <player> minecraft:gold_ingot' win:
command: - 'give <player> minecraft:gold_ingot'
player: false
command: [] player: false
# End game end:
start_new_game: false
# Game mode: # true = the whole server is for one game. # false = have a lobby and games in one server. is_game_per_server: false
# return server return_server:
enabled: false
name: lobby
# Lobby leave item. # You can replace material with texture. lobby_leave:
enabled: true
slot: 8
material: RED_BED
name: "&cLeave" lore: -
"&eClick to leave the lobby."
# Scoreboard settings scoreboard_enabled: true
# Block commands when in game block_commands_in_game:
enabled: true
not_blocked_permission: GolfParty.admin
allowed_commands: - help
# if is_game_per_server is set to true ignore this lobby:
world: world
x: 0.5
y: 100.0
z: 0.5
yaw: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
return_to_lobby_after_game_ends: true
# Start # Start the game when at least 2 players join the game start_on_player_count: 2
# Formats formats:
no_games_for_player: '&8
] &cThere is
no games you can join!'
already_in_game: '&8
] &cYou are already in a game!'
not_in_game: '&8
] &cYou are not in a game!'
game_not_exist: '&8
] &cA game with this name does not exist!'
game_already_playing: '&8
] &cThe game is already running!'
help: -
"&8&m &a" -
" &e&lHelp &r&e- &aGolf Party" -
"" -
"&e/gp join &8- &7Join the best game." -
"&e/gp join [name] &8- &7Join the game." -
"&e/gp leave &8- &7Leave game." -
"" -
"&8&m &a" help_admin: -
"&8&m &a" -
" &e&lHelp &r&e- &aGolf Party Admin" -
"" -
"&e/gp join &8- &7Join the best game." -
"&e/gp join [name] &8- &7Join the game." -
"&e/gp leave &8- &7Leave game." -
"&e/gp reload &8- &7Reload the config." -
"&e/gp create [name] &8- &7Create a new game." -
"&e/gp edit [name] &8- &7Edit a game." -
"&e/gp remove tool &8- &7Gets you a remove display tool." -
"&e/gp set floor [material] &8- &7Set floor material." -
"&e/gp set edge [material] &8- &7Set edge material." -
"" -
"&8&m &a" connection:
join: '&8
] &fPlayer &a<player_name> &fhas joined the game! &8
leave: '&8
] &fPlayer &a<player_name> &fhas left the game! &8
format: '&cEveryone left!'
sub: '&cStopping the game!'
lines: -
"&8&m &a" -
"" -
"&aRULES:" -
"&aGolf Party is a game where each player tries to get" -
"their own ball in to the hole with the &eleast possible" -
"&estrokes&f. There are around &e10 tracks (rounds) &fand you" -
"have &e2 minutes &fto get the ball in to the hole." -
"You're also limited to &e12 strokes &fper track." -
"" -
"&8&m &a" queue:
join: "&8[&9QUEUE&8] &fNo games available! You have joined the queue for &aGolf Party&f..." join_priority: "&8[&9QUEUE&8] &fNo games available! You have joined the priority queue for &aGolf Party&f..." leave: "&8[&9QUEUE&8] &fYou have left the queue for &aGolf Party&f..." moved_up_in_queue: "" selector:
reset: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &fBall selection reset!" set: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &fBall <name> set!" already_set: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &fBall <name> already set!" no_permission: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &cYou can't select this ball!" taken: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &fBall is already taken!" display:
title: "&a<score_name>" subtitle: "&7(&aYou scored with <track_strokes> strokes&7)" chat: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &fYou scored with &a<track_strokes> &fstrokes!" help_buttons: "&aQ - Fly &7| &aClick - Throw &7| &aScroll - Change speed" speed: "&aSpeed: <speed>" fly_time_left: "&aFly time left: <time>" all_time_used: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &cYou already used all of your fly time!" stroke: "<number> strokes" stroke1:
title: "Hole in one" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 1 stroke&8)" stroke2:
title: "Par" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 2 strokes&8)" stroke3:
title: "Bogey" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 3 strokes&8)" stroke4:
title: "Double bogey" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 4 strokes&8)" stroke5:
title: "5 strokes" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 5 strokes&8)" stroke6:
title: "6 strokes" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 6 strokes&8)" stroke7:
title: "7 strokes" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 7 strokes&8)" stroke8:
title: "8 strokes" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 8 strokes&8)" stroke9:
title: "9 strokes" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 9 strokes&8)" stroke10:
title: "10 strokes" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 10 strokes&8)" stroke11:
title: "11 strokes" sub: "&8(&aYou scored whith 11 strokes&8)" stroke12:
title: "12 strokes" sub: "&8(You scored whith 12 strokes&8)" stroke_ran_out:
title: "Ran out of shots" sub: "&8(&aYou ran out of shots&8)" countdown:
format: '&8
] &fStarting in &a<time>&f!'
display_per_sec: 5
format: '&fStarting in &a<time>'
sub: '&aThe game will start soon!'
display_per_sec: 5
format: '&a&l<name> &f&lhas won!'
sub: ''
chat: - '&e&l<num_1_name> &f&lhas won the game!'
- ''
- '
- '&6&l1st &f<num_1_name>'
- '&6&l2nd &f<num_2_name>'
- '&6&l3rd &f<num_3_name>'
- '
title: '&fRound <round_number>'
subtitle: '&fYour color is <color><color_name>'
chat: '&8
] &fYour color is <color><color_name>&f.'
ball_reset: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &cBall reset!" game:
block_command: "&8[&aGolfParty&8] &cYou can't execute this command while in game!" chat:
enabled: true
waiting: '&7<player_name>
: &f<message>' playing: '&7<player_name>
: &f<message>' spectating: '&8
] &7<player_name>
: <message>'
# Status display status: # This will be shown on waiting scoreboards <lobby_status> gamestate:
WAITING: Waiting
STARTING: Starting
PLAYING: Playing
ENDING: Ending
enabled: false
WAITING: waiting
STARTING: starting
PLAYING: playing
ENDING: ending
Before you buy the plugin make sure to read carefully this page just so you'll understand what you're getting.
Terms and conditions: This plugin cannot be refunded. You aren't allowed to redistribute/resell this plugin. You aren't allowed to modify or decompile the plugin. Support: