Manage your Spigot Minecraft server, no restarts required.
You can change the following properties with this plugin:
- Max Player Count
- Server MOTD
- LAN Broadcasting (kind of useless, just there for fun.)
Code (Text):
/server-settings (alias: /ss) - Entrypoint for ServerSettings commands
/server-settings reload (alias: /ss rl) - Reloads the configuration file
(Required when not operator):
Code (Text):
server-settings.command - Required to use /ss
server-settings.command.reload - Required to use /server-settings reload
Misc/Extra Information
Code (Text):
- Plugin should work on servers running Spigot 1.20.6 or higher.
- Text components (ie. MOTD) can use hex colors by doing &#RRGGBB, alongside Spigot's native format (&x&R&R&G&G&B&B).