The simplest plugin to customize join and leave messages on your server. ❗ This plugin requires PlaceholderAPI. ❗
With CustomWelcome you will be able to change the messages that appear in the server chat when a player joins or leaves in the simplest way.
You also have a message that will only be sent when a user joins the server for the first time with a counter of players who have been joining during the life of the server.
You will also be able to customize a server introduction message called MOTD to your liking.
All messages can be enabled/disabled from config file.
Install PlaceholderAPI and see the available placeholders for this plugin here.
# Users need permissions to see join, quit, and motd messages. # To see the list of permissions go to the CustomWelcome Spigot page:
# Requires PlaceholderAPI installed: # To see the available variables:
# Join and Quit config. config:
enable-join-message: true
#Set this to false for disable the message. join-message: "&7[&a+&7] &bPlayer &d%player_name% &bhas joined the server." enable-quit-message: true
#Set this to false for disable the message. quit-message: "&7[&c-&7] &bPlayer &d%player_name% &bhas left the server." enable-first-join-message: true
#Set this to false for disable the message. first-join-message: "&7[&a+&7] &bPlayer &d%player_name% &bis new on the server. &7(&8#%player_count%&7)"
# MOTD config. motd:
enable-motd-message: true
#Set this to false for disable the message. motd-message: -
"&7&m▶----------------------------◀" -
"&d &8[&6✦&8] &dExample Server &8[&6✦&8]" -
"&f Welcome back &b%player_name%" -
"" -
"&e" -
"&7&m▶----------------------------◀" server-list-motd:
enable-server-list-motd-message: true
#Set this to false for disable the message. message: "&aWelcome to the server! Visit our website at" player-count: 0
# It is recommended not to touch this parameter.