Skywars icon

Skywars -----

Skywars 1.8.8 plugin with support of team and solo arenas

Most of the messages of this plugin are in Spanish, translation for English and another languages would be really appreciated!

At the moment there's no repository for Skywars plugin.

Balberith plugin is not longer needed! Now is shipped in the plugin JAR (thats why the increase of file size)

Redis is not longer needed to run this plugin. But if you're running v1 please don't update now because we've made some changes on how the arenas are storaged, so a migration is needed. Please DM me to work in a workaround.

Skywars_Mesa de trabajo 1.png
modos.png npc.png particulas.png kits.png

Features_Mesa de trabajo 1.png
- Multiple arenas on single server (suitable for small and medium networks)
- Team and Solo Skywars
- Kits (Permissions support)
- 3 types of chest loot (Normal, Epic, Legendary)
- Vote system to choose chest loot, game weather and jump height
- NPCs (for game selector)
- Use of SlimeWorlds (fast loading) for game worlds
- Arena metadata stored on Redis for less disk read
- Customizable messages (event Tablist and Scoreboard)
- Arena backup
- Arena import

Requisitos_Mesa de trabajo 1.png


* Slime World Manager
* ProtocolLib


Use Java 11 to run this plugin.
There's a known bug on Linux when use-native-transport=true on file. So please, turn it off.

1. Get connection to a Redis database (optional)
- Configure connection parameters on Skywars/redis.yml
Code (Text):
Type: 'redis'
  # Default values from redis
  # Set to false when need to specify a host, db, port, password.
  UseDefaultValues: true
  Host: 'localhost'
  Database: 2
  Port: 6379
  Password: '1nr34lt1m3'
2. Install SWM
- To install SWM it is necessary to follow the installation video
3. Install ProtocolLib >= 5
4. Load the world of the Lobby (Preferably with SWM)
- If it is with SWM, go to the world with the command /swm goto <world>
- Don't forget to configure loadOnStartup on SWM config.
5. Transport yourself to the world, and use ```/sw setup lobby setlocation``` From now on the current location of your
character as Lobby
6. Start configuring the server

Wiki_Mesa de trabajo 1.png

Available commands

- `chests`: manipulate the loot of the 3 types of chests
- `end`: end the game you are in
- `join <arena>`: join an arena
- `kit <name>`: choose kit
- `leave`: leave the game
- `team <number>`: change team
- `skywars`: mainly for administrative configuration

Configure Arena

Type ```/sw setup arena help``` to see the available commands.

1. Have the Skywars arena world built and in .slime format on slime_worlds/ folder.
- If you don't have the world in slime format yet, it's as easy as migrating it with SWM, see reference
2. Determine what type of Arena it will be. (SOLO or TEAM)
3. According to the type.
- ```/sw setup arena create only <world_name> <arena_name>```
- ```/sw setup arena create team <world_name> <arena_name> <number_of_players_per_team>```
4. You will be transported to the world in a matter of seconds, if the world suffer modifications they wouldn't be visible on games since it is only used to set the metadata
5. Type ```/sw setup arena help``` again. Now the following steps will be displayed:
1. Set the center (where you are standing) ```/sw setup arena setcenter```
2. Add spawn locations (as many as desired) ```/sw setup arena addspawn```
- In case you want to remove the last spawn added, ```/sw setup arena removelastspawn```
- In case you want to remove all spawns, ```/sw setup arena clearspawns```
- In case you want to list all spawns, ```/sw setup arena spawnlist```
3. Establish the chests that must be filled (in case of double chests, mark the two) ```/sw setup arena setchests```
each broken chest will be added.
- In case you want to remove the last chest added, ```/sw setup arena removelastchest```
- In case you want to remove all chests, ```/sw setup arena clearchests```
- In case you want to list all spawns, ```/sw setup arena chestlist```
4. Set map/arena authors (can be multiple authors) ```/sw setup arena setauthors <...authors>```
6. To save the arena use ```/sw setup arena save```
- Or ```/sw setup arena dispose``` to drop the configuration.

Edit Arena

For security reasons, editing is not allowed by default.

1. Before starting check `config.yml` file and make sure editing is enabled, in case you don't have access to the file
system, ask for help someone who does.
2. Use the `/sw setup arena edit <arena_name>` command.
3. Use the `/sw setup arena help` command to see the steps to follow.
- At first you are only be able to edit arena metadata such as world name and authors,
- To save the settings use `/sw setup arena save`
- To not make changes use `/sw dispose`
- If you only want to edit locations and chests you need to use `/sw setup arena loadWorld`

Delete Arena

For security reasons, deleting information from an arena is not allowed by default.

1. Before starting check `config.yml` file and make sure deleting is enabled, in case you don't have access to the file
system, ask for help someone who does.
2. Use the `/sw setup arena delete <arena_name>` command.

Configure Kits

To configure the kit you must place in the inventory all the items that you want the kit to have

`/skywars setup kit set <name> (permission)`

- Notes:
1. Items equipped as armor are not taken into account.
2. Once set up you can get the kit with ```/sw setup kit get <name>```

You can see more commands with: `/skywars setup kit`

Configure NPCs

`/sw setup npc create <type> <name> <display_name>`

- Notes:
1. `type` can be SOLO_SELECTOR or TEAM_SELECTOR (npc that open menu for Arenas)
2. `name` the npc identifier
3. `display_name` spaces can be emulated with _ for example: "HELLO EVERYONE" -> "
4. The NPC will be created at the location of the player running the command
5. The NPC skin is Notch by default. However, you can go to the Skywars folder and search for `skywars.yml`. Find
the NPC and edit the UUID, do `/sw reload`

Configure chest contents

`/chests set <type>`

- Notes:
1. `type` can be EPIC, LEGENDARY, NORMAL
2. The content for the chest will be the items contained in the inventory.
3. All items will be configured with a probability of 100. (they always appear)
- To configure the probability you can see the ID of each item with `/chests see <type>` and
then `/chests setprobability &l<index> <probability>` to set the spawn probability.

Other useful commands

- `/sw reload` Reloads plugin settings (maps, kits, npc, chests, lobby)
- `/sw vanish` Makes a simple vanish, you will not appear in the tablist or be added to a game NOTE: *You cannot use it
while in game*
- `/sw worlds` View worlds loaded on the server
- `/sw import <file>` Import an arena via a .json file into plugins/Skywars <file> has no extension
- ``/sw export` To export all arenas on the DB to plain json files for latter processing.

Videos_Mesa de trabajo 1.png

Contributions will be appreciated!

Thanks to respectives API's creators that this plugin depends on.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 360
First Release: Feb 10, 2023
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings