You need to show which streamers go live? Look no further than Twitch Live Notifier for Spigot - the ultimate solution for any Minecraft server looking to integrate Twitch into their community!
With this powerful plugin, you can easily stay up-to-date on when Twitch streamers on your server go live or offline with customizable messages in chat. And with streamer IDs checking to prevent repeat messages, you can rest easy knowing that your server won't be spammed with unnecessary notifications.
Send stream start/stop message from Bungeecord to all servers!
Timed commands for the streaming linked players!
Completely costomizable!
%tla_live_<minecraft username>%: Returns true or false if one of the linked channels of the user is live
%tla_status_string_<minecraft username>%: Returns the string defined in the config based on the linked player stream status
%tla_status%: The same as %tla_status_string% but automatically recognise the username (useful in TAB etc.)
%link%: Add in stream start/stop message so when a player clicks the message will be redirected to the live
/stream: Aliases: tla, twitch
/stream reload: Reload the configuration and messages file Permission: twitchliveannouncer.reload
/stream forceCheck: Chech immediately the status of the channels and update the placeholders Permission: twitchliveannouncer.forceCheck
/stream link add|remove|clear|list: add, remove or shows the current players linked to a channel Permissions: -|remove|clear|list - (add multiple channels to a user)
/stream channels add|remove|list: add, remove or shows the current channels that are looked up Permissions: twitchliveannouncer.channels.add|remove|list