ExcellentChallenges ⭐ Generative Player Challenges icon

ExcellentChallenges ⭐ Generative Player Challenges -----

Unique and randomzied challenges for every player!

Server Version: 1.19 or newer
Java Version: 21 or newer

You need nightcore to run this plugin.

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

AS OF v3.1.6 PLUGIN REQUIRES nightcore v2.7.1 AND JAVA 21+!

With ExcellentChallenges you can atomatically generate random/unique challenges for every player on your server from your custom generation settings!

By default, it includes over 170 generators with over 10,000 possible challenge variations!

Please note, that the default configuration is only to demonstrate plugin abilities. While it's ready to use, it may require tweaks to fit your server. It's not possible to create universal configuration that will be applicable to any server.

SurfHosting is partnered with ExcellentChallenges
Use "ExcellentEnchantments" code for 50% OFF!


Track Challenges Progress in Real Time!

  • Random & Dynamic. All challenges are generated by generator configs with a lot of dynamic & randomize options, that makes all challenges always unique and different!
  • 25+ Challenge Types! Challenge type determines the actions a player will have to do to complete challenge.
  • GUI Driven. All challenges and their progress are shown in fully customizable GUIs.
  • Categories. Create custom challenge categories, such as daily and monthly challenges!
  • Challenges Amount. Set how many challenges are generated for players depends on their rank! More challenges & rewards for higher ranks!
  • Challenge Commands. Quickly access challenges of certain category with a custom dedicated command(s)!
  • Generators. Create custom configs with objectives, rewards and conditions lists for your challenges!
  • Difficulties. Scale all your challenges automatically depends on their difficulty & level!
  • Conditions. Make challenges even more challenging with conditions!
  • Rewards. Reward players for completing challenges!
  • Glitch Protection. Do not count player placed blocks, mobs from eggs and spawners to challenge progress!
  • Reroll Tokens. Great donor perk/feature that allows players to force replace their current challenges!
  • PlaceholderAPI support.
  • MythicMobs support.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 271
First Release: Jan 27, 2023
Last Update: Nov 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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