Welcome to
ExtendedEconomy is a simple economy system where MySQL supports.
All messages are editable. Support
Vault &
PlaceholderAPI and
Colorcodes (&6, &c ...)
- /money (permission: extendedeconomy.command.money)
- /pay (permission: extendedeconomy.command.pay) (/pay * (permission: extendedeconomy.command.pay.*))
- /balancetop (permission: extendedeconomy.command.balancetop)
- /economy (permission: extendedeconomy.command.economy)
- /extendedeconomy<help|reload>
- admin permission: extendedeconomy.admin
placeholder: (with PlaceholderAPI)
- %extendedeconomy_user_balance% give the balance from the player
- %extendedeconomy_leaderboard_headline% give the headline from the leaderboard
- %extendedeconomy_leaderboard_blank% give a emptyline, perfect for holograms
- %extendedeconomy_leaderboard_place_<number>% give the place from the number
the default config:
Code (Text):
mysql: false
startcoins: '1000'
port: '3306'
user: root
password: iamcool
database: extendedeconomy
prefix: '&a&lEASYECONOMY §8» &7'
no_permission: No permission!
no_playermessage: You must be a player!
playernotfound: Player not found!
no_number: You have to enter a number!
no_money: You haven't enough money!
pay_message: You have %Player% payed %Amount%!
getmoney_message: You received %Amount% from %Player%!
money_message: You have %Amount% coins!
moneyother_message: The %Player% have %Amount% coins!
pay_exeption: You can't pay yourself!
ecoset_message: You set %Player%'s balance %Amount%!
ecoadd_message: You add %Player%'s balance %Amount%!
ecotake_message: You took %Amount% from %Player%!
error: ERROR
line: '&8&m---------------------------------------'
size: '5'
headline: '&2&lLEADERBOARD'
place_one: '&61&7. &a%Player% &7with &2%Amount% &aCoins'
place_two: '&72&7. &a%Player% &7with &2%Amount% &aCoins'
place_three: '&e3&7. &a%Player% &7with &2%Amount% &aCoins'
place_other: '&f%Place%&7. &a%Player% &7with &2%Amount% &aCoins'
I hope you enjoy this plugin. If you like this plugin you can rate it!
Bye, JonaHD345.
Support, bugs & ideas: discord: jonahd345 or
[email protected]
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