Command timer, you can also place schedules to the commands to run the days and times that you place, is a very complete complement that will help you to automate your server in a quick and easy way.
Temporizador de comandos, tambien puedes colocar horarios a los comandos para que se ejecuten los dias y las horas que coloques, es un complemento bastante completo que les ayudara a automatizar su servidor de una manera rapida y sencilla.
Utilities / Utilidades:
- Automate your server to your liking.
- Create schedules of commands to be executed at a certain time.
- Create automatic events
- Create automatic announcements.
- Daily rewards.
- Restart the server automatically with schedules.
- Automatic world autosave with schedules.
- Restart worlds with "Multiverse".
- PlaceholderAPI Support
- Realiza una automatización de tu server a tu gusto.
- Crea horarios de comandos para que se ejecuten en cierta hora.
- Crea eventos automaticos.
- Crea anuncios automaticos.
- Recompensas diarias.
- Reinicia el server de forma automatica con horarios.
- Autoguardado de mundo automatico con horarios.
- Reinicia mundos con "Multiverse"
- PlaceholderAPI Support
Code (YAML):
# Plugin coded by me, Anyelo120 if you have any suggestions or report any
# bugs you can join our discord: https://discord.gg/Fx9RbChAG5
# Modifies the name of the plugin you point to.
: '&8
] '
# Cambia la zona horario en caso de que quieras programar dias y horas cuando se ejecute un comando.
: 'America/Santiago'
# Utiliza un identificador de zona horaria válido de java.time.ZoneId
# ======================
# Día en español Día en inglés Ejemplo de uso
# Lunes MONDAY MONDAY; 12:00:00
# Martes TUESDAY TUESDAY; 11:00:00
# Miércoles WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY; 14:30:00
# Jueves THURSDAY THURSDAY; 16:45:00
# Viernes FRIDAY FRIDAY; 09:15:00
# Sábado SATURDAY SATURDAY; 20:00:00
# Domingo SUNDAY SUNDAY; 22:10:00
# Diario DAILY DAILY; 04:00:00
# ======================
# PLACEHOLDERAPI: %sctimer_time_until_command-1%
# Create a network of commands to your liking, these are executed sequentially. / Crea un red de comandos a tu gusto, estos se ejecutan de forma secuencial.
- 'say ¡Hello world!'
# you can place the commands you want. / puedes colocar los comandos que deees.
- 'say ¡1!'
- 'say ¡2!'
- 'say ¡3!'
: 60
# sets the time it will take to execute the commands, this is in second 1 = 1 second. / establece el tiempo que tomara en ejecutar los comandos, esta en segundo 1 = 1 segundo.
# PLACEHOLDERAPI: %sctimer_time_until_command-2%
- 'say ¡You can adjust the commands in Config.yml!'
: 120
# PLACEHOLDERAPI: %sctimer_time_until_command-3%
- 'say Remember to leave your suggestion and rating.'
: 180
# PLACEHOLDERAPI: %sctimer_time_until_command-4%
- 'say Monday -> 12:00 or Tuesday -> 11:00:00 ¡You can adjust the commands in Config.yml!.'
- 'MONDAY; 12:00:00'
# Coloca el "DIA; hora/minuto/segundo" de cuando se ejecutara el comando.
- 'TUESDAY; 11:00:00'
# Enter the "DAY; hour/minute/second" of when the command will be executed.
- 'DAILY; 04:00:00'
# Enter the "DAILY; hour/minute/second" for daily execution. / Coloca el "DAILY; hour/minute/second" para ejecución diaria.
# Modifies the plugin's messages.
: '¡&cFailed to send, you must write something to send or have permissions to do this.!'
: '&cThis command cannot be executed from the console'
# Modify the permissions to your liking.
: 'sctimer.admin'
Comandos / Commands:
/sctimer - view general add-in information.
/sctimer reload - see the current plugin version installed on the server.
/sctimer version - reload add-on configuration.
/sctimer - ve informacion general del complemento.
/sctimer version - ve la version del complemento actual instalada en el server.
/sctimer reload - recarga la configuración del complemento.
How to install a plugin on a Minecraft server?
- If the server is crashing in Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Purpur and you have started it at least once, you will see a folder called "plugins" when you go to your FTP file access through your control panel. - Click on the "plugins" folder. - Upload the desired plugin by dragging the file to the plugins folder.
¿Cómo instalar un plugin en un servidor de Minecraft?
- Si el servidor se está ejecutando en Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Purpur y lo has iniciado al menos una vez, verás una carpeta llamada "plugins" cuando vas a tu Acceso de archivos FTP a través de tu panel de control. - Haz clic en la carpeta "plugins". - Sube el plugin deseado arrastrando el archivo a la carpeta de plugins.