OneTimePack | Avoid double sending the same pack [Bungeecord & Velocity] icon

OneTimePack | Avoid double sending the same pack [Bungeecord & Velocity] -----

Send the same resource pack only one time

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

Download & Install
  1. Click on download button.
  2. Select the most apropiated download for your server.
  3. Go to your proxy server (Bungeecord or Velocity).
  4. Put the downloaded .jar into /plugins folder.
  • Minimum Java 8 for Bungeecord and Java 11 for Velocity.

About OneTimePack
If you have mutliple servers in a proxy with same resource pack you probably experienced the annoying situation where you already downloaded or denied the resource pack, but when you move to other server, the resource pack request window appears again.

OneTimePack plugin acts like a filter in your proxy (bungeecord or velocity) server to avoid double sending the same resource pack.



The plugin don't work?
If you have any issue with the plugin, please report in the Github Page:

Frecuent Problems:

1. The resource pack is the same in the servers, but it keep re-send to players
Change pack comparator in settings.yml file, so you can use PROMPT comparator if the resource pack has the same prompt message everywhere or ANY comparator if you have only one resource pack in your network.

2. The resource pack is not being send to players
Set Send-Invalid option to true on plugin settings.yml file.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,095
First Release: Dec 15, 2022
Last Update: May 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings