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Annoying API -----

General purpose API with tons of features

Annoying API
General purpose API for my plugins. Just contains some utility classes and methods. Okay... it contains a tad bit more than that...
It's technically a framework/library, but I didn't know the difference when I was naming it, so oh well!

Server Owners
All plugins that use Annoying API come with it pre-packaged. So, you DON'T need to install it separately!


You can find the wiki at which will contain important information about the API and the plugins that use it

You can find the Javadocs at The wiki above will also contain some helpful information

To install the API, please see the documentation on GitHub

To build the API locally, run ./gradlew build using Java 11+
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 730
First Release: Dec 9, 2022
Last Update: Nov 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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