FlowwSmoke is a Java Minecraft/Spigot plugin for placing fireplace-like particle spawners anywhere.
- Requires Java 17+
All commands require the permission
The following commands are available in-game (not-console):
Code (Text):
/smoke floww.smoke - Place a new smoke location at your current target block
/smoke add (frequency) -
Place a new smoke location at your current target block with custom spawn-frequency
/smoke add (frequency) (offsetX) (offsetY) (offsetZ) - Place a new smoke location at your current target block with custom spawn-frequency and offset/direction
/smoke help floww.smoke - Open a help page
/smoke list [world] floww.smoke - List all smokes [of given world]
/smoke remove (id) floww.smoke - Remove smoke location with given id
/smoke remove all [world] floww.smoke - Remove all smokes locations [of given world]
()-args are required, while []-args are optional
Contributing & Bugs
If you find a bug, simply open a new issue in GitHub and describe what's wrong.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.